Daniel Ricciardo. First Kiss. Part 2

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*flashback continues*

We pull into the Ricciardos driveway.
His mother  Grace comes running out the door.

"DANIEL!" She calls with the biggest smile on her face. I see where he gets his smile from.

Grace pulls Daniel into a hug and hugs me next.

"Well arent you gorgeous." She said with her arms extended on my shoulder as she looked me up and down.

"Well thank you Mrs Ricciardo" i say.

"Please, call me Grace. Or mum. Both work. All Daniel's friends call me mum." She said smiling.

I smile. I haven't seen my mum in forever. We werent really close.  It will be nice having a maternal figure in my life, even if it's just my friends mom.

Grace takes us inside, and gets her husband to help us with the bags.

I spent 5 days with them. It was amazing. Grace became like a mother to me.

At the end of the days I spent with him, I was quiet sad to have to leave.

"Y/N, please come around some more. You're a really sweet girl. I'd love for you to hang around with us some more." Grace said.

"I would hate to impose, but I would love to come around. But unfortunately I dont have loads of wealth to come fly around the world regularly." I say.

"Well our son has plenty. I'm sure he'd love to fly his girlfriend around the world to come visit." Grace said.

I whip my head around to look at Daniel. What does she mean girlfriend?

Daniel makes a face that clearly says 'don't say anything.  Just let it be. Forget she said anything. Dont make a scene'

I smile and nod.
"That would be lovely." I say.

Grace comes close and gives me a hug as I slip into Daniels car. I have tucked my bags in his trunk and I am sitting in the passenger seat. 

"Do you have anything to do in  Sweden?" Daniel asks in all seriousness with both hands on the wheel. The car is parked.

"What? What do you mean? I just stayed with you and your parents. I think we're ruled out that  I have no life waiting for me back in Sweden." I say. "staying with your parents was enough paying me back. What are you thinking of doing now?" I say sarcastically.

"Well, I kinda.." He starts

"Is this about your mother calling me your girlfriend? Is that what this is about?" I ask.

"yes." He said, still not looking me in the eye. He was staring straight out the front windshield.

"You're kidding." I say and playfully push his shoulder. I was definitely not expecting that. 

"No, Y/N, I'm serious. I know we've only known each other for just over a week, but I kind of like you." He said, and turned to look me in the eyes and see my reaction.

"No you don't." I say. "This is definitely some kind of joke." I say I've never been in a relationship, so why would it make sense that an F1 driver likes me?

"Yes, Y/N. Yes, I do. I told my parents you were my girlfriend so they would let you stay with them. I knew they'd like you and you'd like them."

"Well, Daniel, I like you too, but-"

"but what?" Daniel interrupts

"But Daniel, you're an F1 driver. You have pretty girls lined up around the block that would love to have you as their boyfriend. And they have money, and are better looking than I am!"

"And? Do you think I care? You're not like them. They're all so shallow, and are only in love with me for the money and fame. You are down to earth, sweet, humble, independent and funny. You're just an amazing person to be around." Daniel said.

"Are you sure? Are you completely sure?" I ask

He nods vigorously. 

"Ok then. I'll be your girlfriend." I say.

His amazing smile was wider than I have ever seen. 

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