Daniel Riccardo. First kiss. Part 4

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I look down at my ankle.
Daniel looks at it too.

Theres a huge cut down the side of my leg. Blood is steadily and quickly flowing from the wound.

"Oh my gosh Y/N. We need to get you home. Come on. I can carry you back down the mountain. " Daniel said as he began to try and scoop me up.
I shudder in pain. He puts me back down.

"Thank you, but no." I say. "Open the bag." I order him. He does.

I grab a first aid kit, and bandage myself up. I took a bunch of first aid courses back when I was younger. Extremely large wounds was always something I was good at fixing.

I pull the bandages tightly around myself. Almost to the point where I lose circulation. This is what you're supposed to do. I wince in pain as I help myself up.

I start walking up the mountain path. Pain goes rushing though me with each step. As I get over it, my steps come faster and faster. Soon enough, I'm in pain, but also a light jog. Daniel runs to catch up with me.

"Y/N stop. You almost died. Let me take you home. Please." Daniel pleads

"Daniel, this is what I was worried would happen if I became your girlfriend. I dont want to stop you from doing things you want to. You came all the way here to Austria to climb these mountains. You were kind enough to bring me with you. I'm not letting my injured leg stop you. Okay? Were going to get to the top. And if I cant make it, you'll go on without me. Got it?" I say.

"Y/N this is the one rule I live by. Teams work as units. If we go down, then we go down together. Y/N were now a team. Okay? If you arent going to make it to the top, then nor am I." He said firmly.

"I guess I'll be making it to the top then. Cause theres no way I'm going to let you  not make it up there." I say.

"This is why I knew we'd be a great team. You would be selfless and I wouldnt ever leave you behind. It's either we both win or both lose." He said and smiled.  He put his arm around me and we began out trek up the mountain again.

The sun was starting rise. We had left the hotel in the earliest hours of the morning, and we were on the mountain soon after.

After some time, I can tell Daniel was struggling to support both of us. I take his arm off my shoulders and walk on my own. I hobble and lean on a rock every now and then, but I also push Daniel's hand away every time he offers to help.

After some more time, we reach the top.

"Wow. Y/N. I knew you were tough as nails, but climbing this mountain while having that amount of blood loss? That's freaking badass." He said smiling at me and wiping sweat off his brow.

"Yeah, well I wasn't going to just let you climb this thing alone." I say as I sit on a large rock and rest my leg and take a drink of water.

Daniel walks over to me.

"Y/N, hows your leg?" He asks me, seeming really concerned.

"Daniel, have you ever been in a crash in any of your races? Ever?" I ask.

"Yeah, once or twice-"

"Good. And were you a bit banged up? A bruise here or there?" I interrupt.

"Yes, a few bruises I guess." He said and shrugged.

"Exactly" I say. "I'm just slightly banged up. I'm fine." I say.

Daniel takes out his phone from his bag.

"I know you said no posts of us together. But I need a picture of us. Here. With your leg. Just for me. Then I'll take a pic of the view and post that."
He said.

I agree.

I stand up and he holds me close so I can keep my balance.

He holds the phone above us, so you can see my leg bandaged up in the bottom of the frame.

"Ok, now for the picture of the view that I'll post." He said, taking the phone off of selfie mode.

"We should pose even though were not in the photo." I say. He agreed.

As he holds the phone out over the amazing view of the sun rising, he gives you instructions

"Y/N turn and face me." He said.

"Okay." I reply as I turn to face him.

He turns to look at me as he hovers his thumb over the camera button.

He presses his lips against mine and takes the landscape picture.

After he takes the picture, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

The kiss lasted forever.

No one but us would ever know what actually happened as the photo was taken.

(Below is actually a photo Daniel posted on his instagram story. It was from the time of the 2020 Austrian GP)

 It was from the time of the 2020 Austrian GP)

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