Chapter Thirty-Six

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An hour passed without William at the ball. People started to talking, wondering where he run off to.

"Ferren, can you join me in finding William? I need him to come back, I cannot speak to all these people at once."

"Of course, your majesty."

We looked all over the castle until we where left with one section of the castle, the tower. I took off both my heels and walked barefoot up the stairs the led to the last room he could be in.

"Ferren. You mustn't tell a single living person if we find something horrid when we open the door, okay?"

"You can trust me, my lady."

I opened the door and my world stopped.

I didn't cry nor did I scream when I found my husband, the father of my child, in bed with another woman. I straightened my posture and waited for her to pick up her clothes and leave.

"Ferren, can you wait for me by the end of the stairs?"

She bowed and closed the door behind her.

"Adelaide, I can expla-."

"No. You may not explain. It is very clear what has been going on here since the beginning, William. I believed that you loved me, that you wanted us to be different from our parents and their parents before them, but you wanted the crown. That is all you ever wanted."

"I'm sorry." He began to stand up before I held my hand up to let him know that I did not want him any closer than he already was.

"Do you love her? Is she the reason why you wanted to come back here so early into our marriage? The reason you have been leaving me alone for countless or nights and mornings. Goddammit William! Do you not understand that I am with your child!"

"You will hold your tongue, Adelaide. I will not have you yelling at me like some stranger."

I took off my wedding band from my finger and placed it on the table next to me. "From now on, we will only behave like husband and wife in front of the people, for the sake of our child. But, behind closed doors, I want nothing to do with you."

I turned to leave, but he stopped me to say, "You cannot do this, Adelaide. I am king. What I say goes."

I open the door and as I'm about to walk out I turn my head and look at him. "You are forgetting that I am now queen. Do not question me William or it will not end well for you and your slut." I shut the door and walk back to the ball.

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