Chapter Eight

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William Geier. He was handsome and quite tall compared to me (5'4), I would say he was about 5'11 or 6'0. He had dark eyes, almost completely black, they intrigued me to say the least. He had a strong jaw with such a well maintained beard. He stared at me and I stared right back. It was as if I was in a trance.

"Snap out of it bitch, you're engaged."

"Miss Adelaide, I am William Geier. It is so wonderful to finally meet you." He smiled, he was sincere about what he said, I could feel it.

"It is nice to meet you as well, William." I blushed. This man knew he was attractive, but I won't let him see that I know it as well.

My father made himself known by making small-talk with William, so I decided to sneak away to the balcony for some alone time. I must have been out there for an hour, just looking at the stars, thinking about Edward. Until I felt someone enter the balcony. I turned around to see who it was, and it was William.

"Do you mind if I join you?" I nodded and turned back toward the stars. I noticed he was wearing a very dark blue suit that fit him perfectly. He has a very strong build, I wonder what he does with his life or what his title is. I didn't even bother to ask, but I'm sure he will make conversation soon.

But he didn't. We stood outside for thirty minutes before he decided to speak up.

"Adelaide. I'm sure you know that you know my intentions with you. And before you say no, I just want you to give me a chance. I can give you a very good life and a good title."

I was confused by what he meant with "good title" until he answered my question almost immediately after that thought came into my mind.

"I am the king of Peluigon, this union will be beneficial for us both." His body was turned towards me now and I felt like I owed him an explanation.

"William, I am sure you are a wonderful person and whoever you marry, she will be a very lucky lady. But- that will not be me. I am engaged to be married, and I feel as if I owed you that since you travelled all this way to meet me. I am sorry that this caused such an inconvenience, but I wish you all the best."

I stared to walk back to the ball but then he asked, "What is his name?"


"His name. The man you are engaged to be married to."

"Oh. His name is Edward. Edward Finch."

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