Chapter Eleven

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When an execution is about to take place, members of Kingdom Vethuven must be present. It has been tradition since the first kings, it cannot be broken.

I walked onto the balcony where my mother and father where standing. I did not greet my father nor did I look at him. I stood by my mother waiting for Edward to be executed because of me. I felt my tears starting to fall down my bare face and tried to quickly wipe them away before my father saw. But he knew.

"How do you expect to become queen when you can't stop crying about things that are not in your control?"

I stayed silent. He does not deserve an explanation from me. The only reason I'm going to be queen was because I'm the last child left living at Castle Vethuven. I'm sure he rather have my brother take his throne rather than me.

The drums started to bang, it always happens when the prisoner is coming in to be hung to death. I saw Edward. He looked so pale, nothing like he was only a day prior. I moved closer to the railing of the balcony, watching him get on the platform while he awaited his fate.

"Do you have any last words." My father called out as the noose was being placed around his neck.

Edward looked up at me and smiled. "Yes, yes I do." He was shaking. "I love you Adelaide Villeret. Until my last breath."

I could not be strong anymore, I sat on the cold floor and cried. "Edward, I love you. I will always love you."

My father gave the motion signaling to the executioner to pull the lever. Time slowed down. I felt every second of his death like it was a decade. I let out a scream and that was all I remember before I awoke in my bedroom.

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