"Afrah... Afrah, can you hear me? How are you...? Are you feeling better...?Have you eaten anything yet? Do you want me to get you your favourite cheese toast and some hot chocolate?" He says but all I do is sniffle to try and hold the tears, "Afrah, please, say something. I'm worried about you... Alright, you don't need to say anything, just listen to me. In Shaa Allah everything will be fine, okay? Doctor Malik called the most experienced surgeons and they'll be able to take care of him. He will wake up, trust me. Don't lose hope and don't be sad, Assad wouldn't like to see you like that. Do you want me to snitch to him when he wakes up?" My brother says gaining a weak smile from me, "Please, stay strong for him, and for me because it hurts me to see you in those conditions. I'm on my way there. I love you. You know that right...? So please stay strong. I'll see you in a bit." He finishes before Saniya takes the phone back and turns off the loudspeaker.

"You shouldn't make him worry like that. You should've said something." Saniya tells me but I ignore her, continuing to face my back to them.

I close my eyes and try hard to divert my mind from what's happening right now because the pain in my heart is becoming unbearable. I need a distraction, but all that comes to my mind is Junaid and the question to which I haven't got an answer to, Will he wake up? And if yes, when? I want to know so I can be by his side, holding his hand and being the first one he'll see as soon as he opens his eyes. I don't mind how long I'll have to wait, I just want that moment to come, at some point, because without Junaid, I'm nothing. I can't imagine a world without him and I certainly can't imagine myself without him. Nobody else will be able to win my heart the way he did. Nobody else will be able to make me feel the way he did. And especially, nobody else will be able to replace him.

I hear a knock on the door, taking me out of my thoughts. I open my eyes and realise they have been shut for a long time because I'm now sensitive to the light.

"Afrah," I hear my brother's worried voice.

I sit up on the bed and my brother immediately embraces me in his arms. I noticed he needed the hug more than I did, so I only hugged him tighter.

"You got me so worried." He says as he parts from me and then kisses me on the forehead.

"I'm sorry," That's all I could say with my low, vulnerable and crying voice.

"It's okay," He lightly nods, "Everything will be okay, trust me." He embraces me again and I hope he's right.

Junaid will be fine, right? He will wake up soon and by next week he'll be fully recovered. I must believe in that because the negative thoughts are starting to panic me.

A knock is heard at the door and a man enters soon after. I think I know him from the forest. He was with my brother, I believe his name is Bilal. He's a tall, mixed-raced gentleman, with black hair and hazel eye colour. He seemed to be between Junaid's and my brother's age.

"Assalamualeikum," He greets us all after scanning the room. I guess realising there are no non-muslims who would feel left out at the greeting. "I already spoke to Marcus," Bilal waves a small notebook in the air, "If you're not ready to go yet, I can do the next one on my own as well."

"No, Mr Wesley isn't an easy one to interrogate, I'll go with you. Can you wait just for half an hour?" My brother asks him and he nods.

"Sure, we still have time. Stay as long as you need." Bilal answers back. "I'm going to the cafeteria, do you guys want anything?" He asks us.

"A hot chocolate and a coffee please," Martina says.

"Hot Chocolate for who?" Saniya asks.

"For you," Martina answers and Saniya looks down to realise she had my hot chocolate in her hand again. Saniya turns to Martina with an apologetic, innocent smile. "What are you nervous about, now?" Martina asks because we all know that Saniya has a habit of fidgeting and binging whenever she's nervous.

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