𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟 : 𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑑

Start from the beginning

If we were in a cartoon, you would see lightning spark between the overflowing tension in the staring contest I had trapped us both in. My hands were still on his very sharp and prominent jaw that just called out to my touch like a magnet, while his own hands were on his sides, all clenched and pissed off. But for one split second, I saw his eyes blink softly at me instead of staring harder into my soul, almost as if he was calculating something in his mind, and I brought myself to realise the fact that I was once again, lost into his whole appearance because there was something that was making me want to be near him.

I needed to get away, he could be an actual predator for all I know. Or to make matters turn even more difficult, he could be a sex trafficker who would sell me, or might be a very dangerous gang leader who would happily put a bullet through my head. Or worst of all...I didn't want to even think about, and my mind was screaming at me to get away from him and run away towards the direction of my house.

But my body didn't move, neither did his move. We were glued to the respective pavement squares we were standing on, still staring the fuck out of ourselves. What the fuck is wrong with me? In what world was it sensible for me to just stare at a inhumanly gorgeous man at a time closer to midnight in an empty street? Would he kidnap me? Would he hurt me in any way? He's not moving either, neither did he push me away...

But finally he himself answered the many foggy doubts that were starting to fill my head after pursing his perfectly shaped lips into a thin line without actually snarling, plastering the coldest look he could possibly muster that had made me involuntarily shiver right in front of him as soon as he had engulfed one of my wrists in his abnormally large hand, cornering me back into the bushes even more as he made both my hands move away from his face, and he threatened my next move with his stare alone.

"Es patientia mulier scopebam spiritum meum." He hissed to himself with a loathing tone that I was not able to understand at all for a brief second, seeming a little lost as he stated down at me with a very conflicted looks before letting my wrist go with a hard yank that had me catch my own hand if I didn't want it to get injured, and that itself did it. I had to force myself in ignoring the nicely feeling sparks that had gifted me with and put on a sneer on my own, not at all liking his move because he even seemed to be abnormally robust than an average person, as I was on handing on a thread with my blood while glaring at him. [Translation: You are testing my patience woman.]

"Are you that big of an asshole to not have the balls to speak to me in English or something? Why, afraid to make me cry with your insult?" I rolled my eyes with a mischievous smirk suddenly growing on my own lips that seemed to provoke him even more, as his brown eyes glistened in the remaining lights around us with a flaming ring inside them that I thought I was imagining, but I brushed it off of my system.

"Oh I'll make you fucking cry you alright—" He started way too menacingly that was making my heart pound in my chest, before getting rudely abruptly stopped with a force to his body that came out of nowhere that even I had felt as an outsider, as he whole bulky and muscular figure was pushed closer to me by something that had made me squeak and him sneer in the distance, already with my face meeting his muscular chest on an instant.

"Okay dude, how about for starters, would you like to not invade my no-no square for God's sake?" I grumbled a small scolding while trying to push him away from me.

"This is not my doing." He cursed under his breath while scanning our empty surroundings for something, before he was pushed towards me all over again again before both our bodies were completely intertwined and mingled near the bushes, making me go completely red after feeling the same tingles adorn ever piece of my my naked skin through the clothing, as something string like started to wrap around my body before prickling me, making me gasp into his chest in shock while he hissed.

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