Still don't have any memories part 3

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"Do you think you might want to let go a bit? It won't be much help in your favor when you make her pass out."

"What are you talking about?" Damon demanded as I started to go limp as it all got to much for me.

3rd Pov:

"Oh now you did it. Bravo Salvatore." Kol clapped his hands sarcastically as Damon stared in shock at the blond laying limp in his hands.

"Did you honestly not think about where your hands were? I thought it was kinda obvious how you were prohibiting her of breathing. Fantastic brother you are mate." Kol continued to rant as he stepped closer. Damon didn't pay any attention to him as he laid Tara on the ground and tried to wake her up.

"Oh relax, she'll wake up in a few minutes. But I can't say the same thing about you."


"Well obviously, I can't let you get off scot free after harming Tara. For one, Rebekah and Nik would have my hide and two, well I am not feeling very merciful to you considering how fond I am of Tara as well. Plus we are going to have to deal with the repercussions with your unfortunate timing for dinner. Honestly, what made you think that it was a good idea to feed in the open? Did the doppelganger turn you down again?" Damon couldn't control his temper and rushed at the older vampire who neatly banged him against the wall and help him up there with a smirk on his face.

"Well you are just full of good ideas today, aren't you? How Tara even managed to stay alive with you taking care of her, is a real mystery to me if I am being honest. Now what to do with you." He tilted his head as he looked at the struggling vampire, blandly.

"Kol, what are you doing? Where's Tara?" Someone came by and interrupted Kol's thoughts.

"Hello Bekah. I'm just teaching this weakling a few manners. You should probably pick up Tara though. She'll be waking up soon." He said idly as he tightened his grip on Damon's throat, constricting his airways. Rebekah gasped and rushed over to pick up the still unconcious blonde.

"What the bloody hell happened to her?" She demanded.

"I give you a hint. Look at the girl on the ground then the dumbass I'm holding. You can do simple calculations, can't you dear sister?" She glared spitefully at him but it turned into a glare of hatred as she looked at the dark haired vampire who was starting to black out.

"Better loosen your grip Kol. Don't let him get off too easily." Was all she said as she carried Tara away from them, calling out for Klaus and Elijah. Kol grinned darkly at Damon.

"Oh I wasn't planning on it."

Back to Tara;

I groaned in pain as I came to and put a hand to my head which was pounding like it was a pinata that tooken far too many hits. I was distracted by the pain so I didn't notice that something was lying on top of me till I sat up and it clawed me. That snapped me out of it as I glared accusingly at a cat who was licking its paw, watching me innocently. I glared at it and leaned towards it.

"That wasn't nice." I scolded and I swear to god, it freaking rolled it eyes at me. I wish I was joking but sadly I was not. Whose cat was this and why the hell is it giving me attitude?

"I don't like you." I snipped and crossed my arms as Rebekah came in and put her hands on her hips.

"You're not talking to the cat again, are you?" She sighed. I pouted and looked away as the cat went to rub herself against her ankles.

"It was being mean to me. It clawed me!" I pointed to where the demon scratched me but as I looked down there was nothing there. No mark to show where that demon scratched me with her claws. My mouth formed an 'o' as I stared at my arm in confusion.

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