Unhinged Mother

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A/N: ***Warning: mention of abuse. 

A few of you requested an angst chapter and I hope this will suffice. I haven't tagged anyone yet, but I'll go through my comments and tag the people who requested this. 

I just wanted to say that most of what happened in this story is true and did, in fact, happen to me as a child. I've never told anyone about any of this, and I feel that Wattpad has allowed me to open up about myself and allowed myself to gain closure on some of the issues I write about. 

Like I mentioned previously, most of the things I write about in these one-shots is my actual life story, except I replace certain characters with Alan, Amelia and Alyson. It feels freeing being able to write about it and have people know about it without interrogating me or asking if I'm alright all the time. It feels like a huge weight is lifted off of my shoulders. 


It has been a particularly difficult and tiring week for the Rickman family.

On Monday, they received a call informing them that Amelia's nursery and Alyson's kindergarten will both remain closed for the week as there was a lice outbreak at both schools and that the places need to be fumigated.

(Y/N) thought she could juggle working fulltime from home while entertaining both girls, but the task proved to be more difficult than what she anticipated.

Dropped calls, missed emails, unanswered student requests, and screaming children in the background of her video conferences made Alan decide to put a pause on his upcoming stage directing gig at the West End for the week to stay home and help with the girls.

On Tuesday, things went fairly better. Alan and (Y/N) would split shifts watching and entertaining the children when (Y/N) wasn't needed for work, and after work, the family would put the children in their prams and head towards the garden square for a park outing.


That is until dinner time came around and both young girls were fed up with being in the company of their parents the whole time. As soon as the sun sets, the girls would start acting out, screaming, ignoring requests from both parents, and run around the house like lunatics on heroin.

Not to even mention the fact that they would refuse to eat at dinner, crying during bathtime because they were obviously hungry, then crying when they needed to go to bed because they were overtired as well as hungry.

And so, the hellish cycle repeats for Wednesday and Thursday.

Oddly enough, (Y/N) received an upsetting phone call from her estranged bipolar mother one of the days, although she cannot recall when. Her mother and father recently got divorced after all the past abuse from her mother re-surfaced.

Her father was devastated hearing for the first time the detailed events that took place between mother and daughter almost twenty-four years ago.

From the age of seven, (Y/N)'s mother would physically abuse her daughter, hitting her with wire hangers until her young flesh started bleeding, chasing her around the house with a butcher's knife while threatening to kills her... One time during school holidays, her mother beat her so hard and she cried out so loudly that the neighbours, two houses down the street, called child welfare services.

They paid a visit, but upon recognizing (Y/N)'s mother, they didn't believe (Y/N)'s allegations, saying that her mother would never be capable of hurting her child. They gave the young teen the following advice: "maybe next time, don't scream so loudly when you get a beating you clearly deserve."

That crushed her. She felt as the eldest of three siblings, it was her duty to protect her brother and sister from her mother's abuse and helped by taking up their load of punishment, too.

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