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"Mummmaaa-ah-ah," they hear Alyson's sobs coming from her room across the hall.

"I'll get it," (Y/N) sighs as she throws the covers off of her legs and walks out of their bedroom.

It's the third time since eight-o-clock that Alyson has called for one of them in the midst of her nightmares.

"Why don't you just bring her in here?" Alan calls after her.

She turns around in her tracks, Alyson's loud sobbing now increasing, "No, because then she'll make a habit out of sleeping in our bed," she explains softly.

She's right. If the parenting books are anything to go by, it's best if kids get right back to sleep in their own bed after a nightmare.

But still, three nightmares in the span of two hours is exhausting. Not only for Alyson but for (Y/N), too.

"I'm here, Bubba," (Y/N) comforts quietly as she sees Alyson in the dark, on her knees on the bed, her arms reaching out to her mother.

(Y/N) picks the four-year-old up in her arms and cradles her as she snuggles into the bed with her.

"Everything's okay. Mumma's right here. Nothing will happen to you when Mumma's here," she keeps whispering as she rocks Alyson back to sleep.

A few sniffles can still be heard from a sleeping Alyson when (Y/N) decides that she'll spend the remainder of the night in Aly's bed to be right there if she has another nightmare.

Alan startles awake again around eleven-thirty when another bone-chilling scream sounds from across the hall. He hears his wife's comforting words again as she puts their toddler back to sleep.

"Christ, how much longer is this going to go on for?" He groans as he switches on the bedside lamp, throwing his arm lazily over his eyes to shield them from the light.

What a magnificent feeling it is to feel a small little human being that you love with all your existence, cuddle closely against every curve of your body, (Y/N) thinks to herself as she finishes settling Alyson back down.

No amount of words can describe how much she loves this tiny babe of theirs. First of all, she's all squishy and cuddly with two of the most adorable dimples on either side of her cheeks. Secondly, she always smells wonderful - like a fresh, clean baby, her skin baby soft and pudgy. Thirdly, when she's lying in her tiny fluffy footy pajamas, how can a person not want to do anything in this world to protect her?

(Y/N) was about to adjust Paddington when she tugs on his leg and notices how his nose is trapped between Alyson's tiny gnawing teeth.

What is it that has her so upset tonight?

She rests her arm under her head as she tries to think back to her nighttime routine earlier.

Nothing out of the ordinary... We had dinner together as a family. We watched a little telly. What were we watching? Hmmm... Animal Planet. Alan gave her a bath. He tried washing her hair which she was not having at all. Maybe it was that? Well, some of the soap did go in her eyes. No, it will have to be something bigger than that. We read her a bedtime story. Which one was it tonight? Ah yes, green eggs and ham. It couldn't have been that. Then some lullabies and that was that....

(Y/N) drifts off to sleep, her mind racing in the hopes to find an answer, her body contorted into a crescent moon shape as she protects Alyson.

Alan stands in Alyson's bedroom doorway, his arms crossed over his fitted white t-shirt, the soft yellow glow from their bedroom shining against his back. He yaws quietly, covering his mouth, before walking towards the four-poster princess bed.

Alan Rickman x Plus-size Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now