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A/N: Still not the promised chapter from earlier, sorry. But I promise I'll work more on that one before writing anything new. I just need to figure out the storyline for that other chapter.

Alan kicks his shoes off and plops down onto the comfy king-sized bed on his back. Apart from no shoes, he is still dressed in dark blue jeans, a grey cashmere sweater, and black socks. He scoots upwards and makes himself comfortable against the headboard while reaching over to his bedside table and grabbing the book he's been reading each night. He pages to Chapter 11 and starts reading the first words.

After a while of getting lost in the journey that the book presents, Alan gets pulled from his reading after hearing his wife curse from inside the en-suite bathroom. He hears the shower turn off and then the muffled sounds of cabinets being opened and slammed shut.

"No, no, no, this can not be happening," he hears (Y/N)'s muffled panicked words.

He sits upright, closes the book and places it gently back onto the side table. He looks expectantly at the door, knowing his wife will appear shortly.

She swings open the en-suite door and peers through, looking frazzled. She has a white towel wrapped around her thick body, her hair still wet from the shower causing it to cling to her neck.

"Is everything alright, love?" He asks concerned.

"Alan... can I ask you a favour, pretty please?" She asks sheepishly and looks down to her feet after hearing her voice falter.

"Of course, anything."

"I-I..." she blows a breath through her nose. "Do you mind running down to the corner shop and getting something for me, please?"

"Yes, of course. What do you need, darling?" He edges closer to the end of the bed.

"... I need tampons... and pads..." (Y/N)'s cheeks stain a bright red as she blushes at her own request.

Anything but that!

The blood drains from Alan's face as the first dreaded 'Tampon Run' just presented itself in their marriage of 7 years.

"Wait, are you..." he starts before getting interrupted.

"Yes, darling. I just started my period," his wife states quietly.

"Shouldn't you know what date it starts on? I mean, you're always so prepared and well-stocked," Alan asks flustered.

"Well, no. The last time I checked we were under the impression that I might be pregnant since I've missed my period the past six weeks..."

"So... no baby, then?" He asks rather disappointedly.

"No baby this time, darling. I'm sorry," she answers solemnly and looks down at her wringing hands.

She feels like her body is letting her down. For the past five years, Alan and she have been trying to start a family of their own, but nothing would stick. They had two hopeful pregnancies, but her body rejected both fetuses during their second trimesters. She's had multiple positive pregnancy tests only for her period to break out a few weeks after.

IVF-treatment and adoption were their final options, but Alan put a stop to everything after seeing the toll the first week of IVF injections had on (Y/N)'s physical and mental health. He told her that they should rather let it be and that if a child was written into their future then it would happen when the time was right.

Now, they don't take any news too seriously when (Y/N) would miss a period or another test came back positive. Yes, they would be hopeful, but mostly they were wary.

Alan Rickman x Plus-size Reader One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now