Slutty Slytherin

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A/N: ***Warning: SMUT!!!

Thanks to Mrs_Ph3lp5 for requesting the following on Archive of Our Own: "can you please do something where y/n seduces Alan in a sexy Harry Potter uniform or some other role play".

I hope it lived up to your expectations!

Alan finds himself buried under scripts in his office upstairs. 

He stretches his back before taking a sip of his tea, long cold by now. 

He clicks his red gel pen a few times, staring out of the large bay window, admiring the London traffic passing by their flat. 

Today has been one of those days where he finds himself between theatre performances, no movies or television work for the foreseeable future, and no social events he needs to attend. 

The laundry is done, the house is clean, and groceries were bought yesterday, leaving him with no domestic obligations. 

Earlier this morning, he decided to respond to a bundle of letters that have been waiting on his desk for quite some time, and then he proceeded to page through a script that Emma Thompson recommended he have a look at. 

Before he knew it, he was making annotations and notes on the side before moving on to the second and third scripts that lied waiting on his desk for his attention. 

He has reached that point now where the words are swimming on the page but he's too stubborn to put a pause on his editing. 

He leans back into his black leather wingback chair, thinking about (Y/N). 

He could hear her throughout the day as she moves from one room to the next, organising. He will never understand why his better-half willingly chooses to organise on her rare days off. 

She's young, he muses quietly, let her do it while she still has the energy to do it. 

At least she brought him tea earlier along with a salmon and fennel sandwich. 

While Alan sits back up and continues his work on the scripts, (Y/N) is busy in their shared walk-in closet in the master bedroom, organising her side. 

A few weeks have gone by where she couldn't locate half of her shoes or coats due to her not placing them back in their designated spots after wearing them at the end of the day. 

When she realised today is her off day, she couldn't think of a better way to spend her day than to organise the flat. She loves doing things like that, knowing that Alan is working in his office. 

Just knowing that his presence is somewhere near her puts her at ease. 

She rolls her shoulders as she's sat on the thick carpet in the closet, tired from already having organised the pantry, her office, the laundry room, the coat closet and the two guest rooms. 

"Oh, gosh," she sniffs before huffing tiredly, pulling a pair of shoes from the back of the shoe racks. "I haven't seen these shoes in ages."

She holds the pair of Dolce & Gabbana stiletto court heels up to the light, the pair of delicate shoes sparkling like a diamond as a million and one pieces of silver glitter cover their entire surface.

"Oop, never mind," she mumbles to herself after trying to fit them over her feet, her heels barely able to fit into the shoes anymore.

It's a shame, really, because they were once her favourite pair of shoes. She used to wear them to just about every formal event she had to attend when she was still a student.

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