The Morning After The Night Before

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Two eyes stare down at her along with the sound of a soft, deep chuckle. Two chestnuts watch side-by-side as her preciously full lips curl into a soft smile in their gaze. 

"Good morning, Al," her words come out closer to a mumble than she intended. 

Instead of responding, he reaches over to her side of the bed, pulling her hand out from under the covers and lacing it with his. 

"It's not morning anymore, (Y/N)," he says in his deep morning voice, keeping his gaze fixated on her face as he speaks, and she's certain her temperature is rising. "It's already nearing lunchtime."

Surprised, she looks over at the clock on his side of the bed, 11:49 staring back at her in bold red. Much later than she had intended to rise. 

Next to her, her boyfriend of a year doesn't look the least bit concerned as he carefully tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. 

She's certain her increasing blush is due to the growing grin on his face. 

They had spent the night together last night for the first time since they'd been dating. 

Stretching out, she can feel just how sore she truly is after their escapade last night. 

At first, they had taken it slow, taking the time to explore each other's bodies. 

After she had already cum twice, Alan then had her on the en-suite floor and on his dresser before they moved downstairs where he then had her on the dining room table. 

Finally, they moved back upstairs where they ended the night back in his bed where Alan emptied himself buried deep inside her. 

She prays she won't reveal the thumping going on inside her chest... Or between her legs, for that matter. 

"I heard a chuckle... Were you laughing at something?" Her brown doe eyes squint out of curiosity. 

The hand around hers squeezes gently. 

"You were talking in your sleep. I didn't want to wake you," Alan replies sweetly. 

Great... How awkward must that have been? 

"Any idea what you were dreaming about?" He asks, his head resting in his free hand. 

His bedhead is strewn all over his face, intermingling his sandy blonde strands. 

(Y/N) shakes her head sheepishly and reaches out her other hand to get a better look at his handsome Romanesque face. 

She pushes his hair out of his eyes, revealing the dark brown spot on his left cheekbone. As soon as her hand brushes against his delicate skin,  she can see his skin turn crimson and feel his palm begin to sweat in hers. 

He pushes his face into the crook of her neck, his spreading warmth a dead give-away. 

"You were calling my name, you know?"

"Sleep talking?" She shrieks in disbelief. 

Oh crap. 

He puts his warm mouth against her ear, whispering, "Alan. Alaaan. Don't s-s-tooop. Just like that, Al."

With a grumble and a smash to her pride, she sits upright in bed, unlinking their hands. This time, it's her turn for her cheeks to radiate heat as embarrassment bubbles in her stomach. 

She cannot believe she uttered that during her first sleepover with him. 

"It was very hot, I must say," comes his baritone voice from next to her in bed. 

She groans, turning away from him. 

"Don't tease me like that. My heart cannot bear it so early in the morning."

She swings her legs off the bed and turns away, dangling her feet off the bed. The hardwood floor looks cold and uninviting, and she hesitates to make contact. 

Before she can decide on her escape route, two large hands wrap around her from behind. 

"Embarrassed are you, Miss (Y/L/N)?" 

A chin comes to rest on her shoulder as she grins at the wall in front of her, admiring the abstract painting. 

"Only a little."

His breath is soft on her neck, sending shivers down her spine. 

"After your performance last night," she feels a nibble on her ear just as his hands pull her onto her back. "You have no need to be embarrassed. Ever."

His twinkling chestnut eyes look directly down from above her, her only response the interlocking of their lips; the taste of sunshine on their tongues. 

Her hands reach up to pull him in closer, throwing themselves a little deeper into their morning kiss. 

Unspoken, his legs kick off the sheets and her legs wrap around him, calling out his name loud and clear as their escapade continues. 

Alan Rickman x Plus-size Reader One-shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum