A Daddy's Love

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Hi, All!

I know I've not updated in two weeks, but guess what? I've started studying... again LOL. Yes, I know, seven years just wasn't enough apparently. 

I'm currently studying for my Advanced TEFL Diploma so that I can teach English as a foreign language to kids and adults overseas since job opportunities in my country are nearly non-existent - even with my Master's degree. 

So if I don't update like I usually do each Friday, please know it's because my studying and assignments got in the way. 


It's a rather gloomy late Tuesday afternoon when Alan's lounging on the sofa reading a romance novel he had stolen -- erm, borrowed -- from his wife's bookshelves in her home office. 

His collection of books up in his own office proofed to be of no interest to him as he wandered around the townhouse earlier, looking for something to kill the time with. 

He knows (Y/N) loves to indulge in reading romance novels late at night in bed and thus he decided to investigate more into why these types of books have her so intrigued. 

He must admit, as he lies stretched out on the sofa with his sock-clad feet and a glass of wine next to him, as soon as he read the first page written by Charlotte Brontë his mind is captured. 

It isn't until Alan is already halfway through the book that he hears the front door open, ripped from the world of romance he has created in his head. 

He skims the rest of the paragraph, desperate to soak up the last few words on the page when (Y/N)'s sweet voice rings out loud. 

"Darling, we're home."

Before Alan has time to set a bookmark into place, tiny sticky hands are tugging at his pant legs. 

"Dad-dee! Dad-dee!" Comes the voices of his two-and-four-year-old girls. 

Alan chuckles deeply, putting his bookmark in place, and carefully places the novel onto the side table with utmost care. 

Alyson and Amelia giggle as he swings his legs off the couch and sinks down onto the living room floor. 

"Come here," he growls, scooping them up into his open arms. 

Squeals of delight quickly fill the living room as he proceeds to tickle them and deliberately rub his afternoon stubble against the delicate flesh of their necks, making them giggle more. 

"Ah! Dad-dee thaaap," Amelia, his two-year-old shrieks, fighting in vain to escape his tight grasp. 

"Absolutely not. I have waited for you the entire day, I'm allowed to hug you, aren't I?" Alan playfully pouts, heaving out of breath. 

"But it tickles!" Alyson cries out before winking at her younger sister, the two girls proceeding to clamber onto him and tackle him to the floor. 

"You little shiiits-- An ambush!" Alan laughs deeply as he lies on his back, his two girls clearly having planned this as they attempt to tickle him under his arms and in the crook of his neck. 

(Y/N) appears from the kitchen, staring down at them with a warm expression, "Alright, you lot. Let's get cleaned up for dinner now, please."

Attempting one last tickle, Alan drops his arms and watches as the girls clamber off him, scurrying off to the guest bathroom to wash their hands. 

He holds his hands out to his wife, grunting as she helps him up off the floor. 

Alan rises and tugs (Y/N) to him, giving her a kiss in greeting. 

"Welcome home. I've missed you," he breathes while taking in her beaming face. 

"As have I," she smiles happily, noting the mischievous twinkle in his chestnut eyes, wondering what he could be up to now. 

"Did you have a good day?"

"It was uneventful," he sighs, shrugging his broad shoulders, his hands running down her supple arms to interlace their hands, "I had that meeting. Looked over a script that just about took half my day. Did the laundry."

(Y/N)'s smile widens, "You did the laundry? You're such a sweetheart, thank you."

She rewards him with another kiss. 

He chuckles and gives her bottom a playful smack, "Can't have you doing all the work around here."

Her eye catches the novel from over his shoulder, "And it looks like you did some reading?"

She moves over to the side table, noting the near-empty glass of wine next to the book.

"I hope you don't mind," his one hand sheepishly goes to the back of his head. "I borrowed one of your books. Know how much you like 'em."

"Oh, I don't mind," she smiles up at him before picking up the book, reading the cover and immediately blushing a dark shade of crimson. 

"Jesus, Al!" She whisper-shouts with a look of horror on her face. "You had to pick this one? I have nearly two-thousand books and you picked this one?" She holds the book up to him, shaking it slightly. 

"Well, what's wrong with that one?" A smile tugs at his lips and his hands casually settle in his pants pockets. 

"It's... it's..." her mouth open and closes exasperated, looking for the right description. "It's worse than Fifty Shades of Gray. It's basically pornography in written format," she whispers with a blush. 

"You mean they're not all that... graphic?" He teases light-hearted. 

"No, of course not!" Her gaze falters as she looks down at the book in her hands. 

"I thought they're all like that... Well, now I know why you love reading them so damn much." 

"Oh, stop it," she smacks his bicep with the book, looking like a deflated balloon before Alan coos and pulls her in for a hug again. 

"Hush you," he places a kiss on the top of her head while holding her embarrassed form. "You know I'm only teasing."

After a moment's silence, he speaks again, "There were a few scenes in there that I'd like to try out later tonight once the girls have gone down for bed... If you're keen."

He feels her smiling against his chest before she pulls away. 

"That will all depend on how soon the girls finish with dinner tonight."

"Speaking of, what is for dinner?"

(Y/N) shakes her head fondly, "Aly wanted meatloaf and cornbread. We could have green beans with it."

"Fine with me." He nods with a smile. "Need some help?"

Just then the children come back into the room displaying their clean hands. 

"We'll be alright. Melly said she'd help me with the meatloaf, right Melly?"

Amelia happily nods her head while sticking her arms out at her mother, "Right."

Alan places a kiss into Amelia's hair after (Y/N) picks her up, watching as they move into the kitchen. 

He sits back down onto the sofa, finishing off the last of his wine when he hears laughter coming from the kitchen. 

Craning his neck from his spot on the sofa, he watches as (Y/N) and Amelia work on the food, Amelia giggling as (Y/N) makes a green bean appear from behind her ear. 

Soon, Alyson clambers up on the sofa, nestling beside him, "What'cha thinking about, Daddy?"

He smiles down at his four-year-old, the same chestnut eyes staring up at him, "How much I love you and Melly and Mummy."

He puts an arm around her tiny shoulder, pressing her to his side. 

She kicks her legs out happily before resting her head on his stomach and saying, "We love you too, Daddy."

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