Contain, neutralize, or set free?

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The sharp scream cut through the night like a hot knife through butter. Everyone woke up, some falling off their bed in their haste to get up and see what had happened, grabbing whatever was closest to use as a weapon in case of need.

James was the first on the scene, a pen in one hand and a book in the other, kicking down the door from the bug's room where the shrieking was coming from, Pure, Cecilia, Robby, Ghost, Bendy, Hornet and you following close behind, each armed with whatever improvised weapon they could find. What they found inside, left you all speechless.

The Pale King was flying around the room, chased by a strange-looking chest with a long tongue hanging on the side and strange. countless teeth linen across the edges of the container, a long and slim body sprouting from the bottom. The monster wasn't very big, almost the size of a kitten, but that didn't make it any less strange. It tried to jump and catch the Wyrm, saliva flowing everywhere with each clash of its jaws, which thankfully managed to miss him by a bit each time. On the other side of the room, Grimm was doing his best to help, but the scene was too funny, and he couldn't fight the laughter long enough to concentrate on casting his fire spells. Radiance was next to him, watching the show with intrigue written all over her face. Though the bad blood was gone between them, she would still take a little pleasure in his misery. Herrah came out, took a glance at the chaos below, turned back and slammed the door behind her, with only a warning behind her.

"You have 5 minutes."

What would happen after that, no one wanted to know.

"What the heck is that?" you asked, peeking from behind your uncle's shoulder.

"I...I...I have no idea." he said, looking at the pen in his hand.

Yeah. That wasn't really going to be of much help.

"Do you think it's edible?" Hornet asked, shoving you a little to the side so she could get a better view.

You all looked at her, eyes wide and mouths slightly agape.

"What?" she retorted, "As if you're not wondering the same thing!"

You, Bendy, Pure and Cecilia looked at each other and decided to drop the topic, focusing instead on the problem at hand.

"How did it even get in here?" the Ink demon asked.

"Don't know but I think we can worry about that later. After we deal with...whatever this is." James said, taking a step closer to the room, ready to get things over with, though he wasn't very sure what he was going to do with a pen and a book. "Um...anyone brought a bug net?"

"Pure has one of (Y/N)'s T-shirts. Does that help?"

"What?! Whi-HEY! That's my Powerwolf T-Shirt! Don't you dare ruin it!"

"Too late, sis!" Hornet said, grabbing the dark cloth from her sibling and throwing it over the creature before anyone had any chance to object.

What followed next was pure chaos, as the chest began to savagely attack the fabric keeping it captive with a speed and force none of you thought it capable of. In a matter of seconds, it was free and chasing each and every one of you around, screams echoing throughout the house as everyone ran around in an effort to escape.


"Gwahahaha!" Shade laughed, nearly falling off from their spot on the tree branch near Patches' web. "I have to give it to you, Spider. You were right. These mimics things are truly something."

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