Born of Ink. Part 5. Even in hell, we shall fight to protect

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"What is she doing?"

"Is she an idiot? Oh! Forgot who I was talking about."

"You're going the wrong way."

"She's lost. I can tell."

"We should have turned left back there."

"Don't you guys ever get tired of talking? Like, dunno? Don't you have a hobby?!" you snapped at the voices, tired of their constant rambling.

You've been waiting for Bendy to return for what felt like hours and finally decided that it would be better to try and find an escape rather than just stay in one place and wait for someone to come. Now you were walking through the dark halls of the place, cutout of the smiling devil placed all around, your heart aching at the sight. What happened to him? Was he alright? The questions tugged at the strings of your heart, as the voices were making it harder for you to concentrate, each word bringing you down further than you already were.

You began to hum to yourself, trying to calm yourself down and drown the voices in your head. Your feet were aching, and your stomach was growling more and more from the hunger. You were so tired. You just wanted to go to sleep. Maybe...maybe you could reach the Nightmare Frontier and see Kos or If you did that the voices would only get worse. You sighed, having reached another dead end, a cutout of Bendy staring at you with his famous smile. Exhausted, you lied down, taking a small break from exploring these endless corridors, the scent of dust and ink making you dizzy. Your eyes fell on the cardboard figure, your chest filled with yearning and concerns.

"Bendy, I-I don't know if you can hear me, back to me..." you said, nearly whispering and suffocated by tears.

The silence was too crushing. You needed more noise, something to distract you. You wiped away your tears, determined to stop being a crybaby.

"I...I have many siblings, you know. After we get out of here, you can come live with us. I think you'd like them a lot. I also have a lot of..." you voice died off, realizing what you were about to say.

Parents. Tears threatened to flood again, but you stopped them in time. Gosh! Maybe...Maybe the voices were right...maybe you were an idiot.

"Did you just notice that now?"

"Such an idiot! Bahahaha!"

"You are a loser too. Don't forget about that."

"Never doing anything. Always waiting for other to come and save you."

"You are a good for nothing. Better give up."

You began to cry again, unable to take it anymore.


"What was that?!" you yelped, hearing the loud groan echoing through the corridors.

"What are you doing standing there?"

"Run, you idiot!"

"Get out of there!"

"It's coming. It's coming!"

"No! No! NO! RUN AWAY!"

You did, not waiting another second, the voices continuing to scream at you. When will this nightmare end?


Henry was amazed. The old workshop has changed so much. Joey really expanded the entire place adding more rooms, hiring more stuff, adding so many things, but...where they for the better? or the worse? He wanted to believe that they helped...but after witnessing the thing in the jar, he wasn't so sure anymore. Just what was that? And what did Joey do to it?

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