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Something wasn't right. She could feel it in the air, the winter chill carrying a sense of danger in its touch. The forest had been darker than usual, the spirits living inside remaining quiet and locked with its darkness, as if afraid of something. Though faint traces of their presence was still felt, Moder and the Birch have left their usual resting place near the cabin, hiding from view for some reason.

"Ok. That's enough for today. Let's turn back. Come on." Gertrude urged the wolves to follow her as she turned around, ready to get back home.

Though she hadn't finished her round for the day, the silence and eerie atmosphere was putting her on edge. She worried for her brother, his behavior as of late getting on her nerves. As soon as James and the others left, he began speaking only nonsense, talking about his funeral and whatnot, conversations which always ended up in a screaming match between the two. She wasn't an idiot. She knew that day would come, and soon, but she wasn't ready to face it, not so soon after she herself came back from a deadly journey which nearly sent her to the next world. Just a little more. A day or maybe a week. Just a bit more time for her to prepare.

A sudden crack snapped her out of her thoughts, and she turned around, the wolves already in attack mode, growling at the bushes before them. Someone was there, Gertrude was sure of that.

She opened her mouth to call them out. She was never one for cat and mice games and if whoever was following her had a bone to pick with her, in that case, she would help them do it. Worst, if they were poachers, then the forest would take care of them by itself. Though asleep and with their activity toned down, the critters would still attack anyone who'd dare do them harm. And God have mercy on the fool who fell prey to them.

However, before any sound could leave her mouth, they ran away, the wolves barking and growling behind them but not leaving their master's side.

"Chicken." the old woman spat in the snow, irritated. "Come on, guys. They aren't worth chasing." she said, motioning the wolves to follow her again.

At home, Olaf was sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of steaming tea in his hands, staring at the dancing flames. Though old and in need of silence, he found himself enjoying the energy, the noise flowing through the house when James and the children were there, hearing their laughter, the sound of their feet running through the hallways. Even the bickering was something he couldn't help but miss. He could almost see them, Pure bring the responsible one, as always, (Y/N) trying to help, Robby and Ghost playing with balls made of fire, the adults chatting away, making jokes, or arguing among themselves.

A slammed door woke him up from his daydreaming, and he turned his head to look at his red-faced sister storming through the hall, tossing her hat and jacket on the sofa, next to him.

"You're home early. I take it that, something bad happened?" he asked, a frown appearing on his face.

"More like nothing happened. Some bastard was following me and when I wanted to call them out, they run away like the scared cat they were." Gertrude said, sitting down to untie her boots. "What about you? How was your day?"

"Boring." he replied flatly, sipping his tea. "Did you get to see who they were?"

"Nope. But I dare them to follow me again. I'll show you what an old, cranky woman can do." Gertrude spoke, falling back into the sofa, her eyes staring up at the ceiling. "By the way, where's Cody? I haven't seen him all day."

"In town. He went this morning to buy some supplies. He also mentioned going to visit his parents, so I think he won't come back until tomorrow night." Olaf said, stirring his tea, watching the hypnotic movement, the faint foam forming on the surface.

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