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You stared at the reflection in the mirror, fingers running through the hair that returned to its normal color, save for a few highlights that still shone a bright white through the bundle of (hair/color). You couldn't complain about the change, thought you were taken aback by how sudden it happened. Last night, your hair was still silver, yet in the morning, you found it like that, when you looked in the mirror of the bathroom in the Mystery Shack. Was it a sign? And if it was, what did it mean?

"Hey, Light! Hurry up! I need to use the bathroom! Darn this flesh bodies!" Bill screamed, knocked furiously at the door, cussing under his breath.

You huffed, looking around the chamber, a mischievous thought running through your mind. Hmm... you could annoy him some more...Nah. Let's be nice to him, at least for today. You opened the door, ready to get out when the dream demon, in his human form, pushed you out of the way, and got it, screaming "Halleluiah!". You stared for a few minutes in disbelief, before making your way back to the bedroom to change. Dipper and Henry were already in the kitchen, their voices echoing through the shack, probably laughing at some joke Stan made. You smiled, hearing them being in such a good mood. After the last days, being relaxed was all you needed. Last night was the first step towards it.

Now that your feelings were out of the way, the Nightmare Frontier couldn't influence you anymore, and you could once more walk freely along the shores of the great sea or to spend time with Amygdala, without fearing any other unpleasant consequences. With the Dream and Nightmare Bracelets gone, Grandpa and Radiance couldn't reach you like before, well she couldn't, since the Nightmare King could still use Grimm to reach you, but the Old Light needed the Great Ones to make the connection happen. And when they saw you, they couldn't keep themselves under control. The Moth was hovering over you, especially the new arm, watching in horror as the dark ink had made its way all the way to the base of your neck, engulfing your shoulder completely. She was overwhelming you with countless questions, too rushed to give you the time to answer, drowning in her own fear. Her brother wasn't as alarmed by the change, but he was concerned, nonetheless. He was calmly standing by your side, holding your hand in his, his eyes studying the new arm.

"Does it hurt?" he asked as soon as his sister took a break to catch her breath.

"Nope. It moves a bit slower, but Shade and Bendy think that with enough exercise it will be ok." you said, moving the arm around a bit to demonstrate your words.

You let him run his claws across the smooth surface, watching the concern on his face slowly faced away. But unfortunately, the Moth didn't share his feelings. She was still fearful of the void-defiled ink, already imagining it trying to hurt you.

"We need to get rid of it! other way!" she said, fluttering her wings in agitation.

Grandpa rolled his eyes, and you giggled watching her get so worked up. Grimm, who was watching from the side, Robby cuddled in his arms, was trying not to face-palm himself at the Radiance's over the top attitude.

While you were dealing with them, Bendy, Henry, Alice, Boris and Tom were getting to know the Great Ones, your siblings and the Pines better, Flora having recovered from Sammy's attack. Needless to say, Ford was in heaven, asking question after question, taking notes as quickly as he could.

You were relieved to see Bendy get along with Pure and Ghost. He was a bit reserved, not used to interaction, well, not friendly one at least. Now, things have changed. A bit too much, and too fast. But everyone had patience, and was willing to help, especially Pure who in a certain measure knew what it was like to be like that. For the first part of their life, they had to pretend, ignore the feelings that tugged at them all the time, curse the mind they weren't supposed to have, be still, act on orders only, restrain from showing affection, beg to be held by the father they adored, act like nothing but a tool to save a dying kingdom. When that burden was lifted from their shoulders, and their father was more than willing, almost overjoyed even, to accept that they weren't was beyond exhilarating, but still...enjoying that freedom felt...wrong. It felt too good to be real, like a dream about to end any second. They still acted reserved in some ways and acting selfish was almost impossible. Thus they understood where Bendy was coming from and were more than eager to help him out.

Hornet and Alice were quick to get along, the princess listening with fascination to the woman's stories of the workshop, while examining Tom's mechanical arm. It wasn't as fascinating as yours, but it was still something, nonetheless.

Ghost was already with Boris, listening to the wolf character playing the clarinet, the soft melody flowing through that realm of silence and Nightmares, spreading its color in that monochrome land.

Shade was sleeping in a corner, away from the commotion, throwing frugal glances towards everyone, glad that all that nonsense from earlier could be forgotten and now they could enjoy some peace and quiet.

Overall, everything was good, things seemed to have finally calmed down. Life returned to its normal flow, and even when morning came, nothing seemed to have changed. All the pain, the tears and was all a distant dream from far away. Serenity has returned at last.


You were looking at the sunrise bathing the forest, the chill breeze brushing against your skin, Bendy standing next to you, holding your hand, the bugs sleeping in your shawl, while they still could, Shade dozing on your shoulders. It was time to leave, and this time, Dipper couldn't come, despite begging his parents to let him stay with you some more. You assured him that it was alright and promised to call him every night.

"You better take care of yourself, and also behave." Henry told Bendy, straightening the jacket he was wearing.

The heavens were going to be cold, after all.

The dancing devil smiled widely and patted the man's head in a way to assure him that everything was going to be fine. He wasn't alone now and thanks to the ink in their home, he could travel between your place and his at will. If it wasn't for him wanting to know what it's like to fly, he would actually do that instead of waiting for Cody to come and pick you up.

"You look after yourself too kiddo. And if there's anything that's bothering you, don't hesitate to call us ok?" Stan said, giving you a friendly hug.

"Thanks Stan. But only if you promise me you won't go to prison next time." you joked.

"No promises there, kid." he replied, but you could see a note of seriousness beneath his amusement.

"Take care of yourself, bestie. And make sure to call us, every night!" Mabel screamed pulling you into a bear hug.

"I will! I promised after all, didn't I?" you answered, laughing and trying to pull back before she cut off your air.

Alice, Boris and Tom where watching from a distance. It was so...surreal. They were out, they were free, and their lives were going on, blending in with those of normal people, as much as they could, the nightmare fading behind them like any bad dream.

The noise of the plane announced them that it was time to end their goodbyes. It was time to go. One last hug, one was well wish, promises over promises, a fitting end, and a nice start for a new adventure.

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