Studies and shenanigans

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December came in full, marking its presence known on the first day with a snow storm so great that the school had to shut down, the roads too slippery even for the cars to be safe to drive on. The air was cold, temperatures going below 0. The harsh wind was blowing violently, disturbing the peaceful dance of the silver bees outside as they made their way to the world below from the heavens. Long icicles were hanging down the edge of the ceiling and the tree branches in the backyard. The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow, one that reached the back door of the house. The trees once green and proud of their foliage, were now naked and shy, only the pines still holding onto their needle like leaves, their scent filling the air. The view that was so full of life during spring and summer, was now a painting of white and black, the sun, which was so loved for its warmth and light, was being hidden by grey clouds, winter's cold breath taking away all the heat it tried to give to the world.

As the days passed, the storm had gone away and school had resumed its normal course, which included every single student's worst nightmare: midterms. Considering what happened last year and the improvement of your marks this semester, you thought you could afford to relax and take it slow. Yeah, right. You didn't take into account that now, there was a Great One, Ink Demon and void cat waiting at home, each one eager to get your attention and the Higher Beings could do little to change their mind.

"Flora said that if you want, she can make the teacher give you the maximum mark on the test." the Doll told you one day, as you were studying for one of the midterms in the living room, helped by Monomon.

She was sitting on the couch, knitting, the White Lady next to her, trying to mimic her movements. Balls of yarn of all colors were spread around them, scarfs and pajamas lying in a basket at their feet.

You raised your eyes from the notebook and looked at her then at the Great One outside, playing with the children, each one of them having a hand-knitted muffler around their necks. It was easily to tell which ones were made by the Doll and which were made by the Queen. Flora's was green with white snowflakes at the edges, small and big, spread around as if they were trying to make their way from the muffler into reality. She was so happy when she received it, nearly taking the Doll and dancing around with her through the snow covered garden.

"The offer is tempting, but... I think I'm going to refuse." you said and returned your attention to Monomon's lesson, regretting the words that came out of your mouth, but you honestly doubted that the Pale King was going to let such a thing happen.

He was the one that was most preoccupied about your education, out of everyone. Grandpa was wailing every time he saw you studying, begging you to give him and Vlad attention. He was more careful now, aware of the pain you endured so long ago and the fear of being abandoned, and he was doing his best to give both of you attention. Easier said than done. Maybe it was out of spite, or something else, but Amygdala and the Moon Presence were doing their best to keep you in their realm, and "accidentally" deny him and Radiance entrance. The Pale King was grateful to them, as the Nightmare King was beginning to teach your younger cousin how to mess with the Wyrm and not get punished.

"But...isn't that mean?" Vlad asked the Scarlet One when he first began to teach him that.

Hearing that, the White Monarch was hopeful that the young boy wouldn't pick up his grandfather's bad habits. However, what came next shattered all of his hope.

"Yes, it is, but trust me, some people do deserve it." Grandpa said, patting Vlad's head fondly. "Now," he continued giving him a ball of scarlet snow and pointed to the Wyrm, "let me teach you some tricks. First one, hit the worm!"

You tried to muffle your laughter, at the same time admiring the Wyrm for his ability to keep calm and ignore the crimson snowballs that were thrown at him, hitting him in the head and back, both cousin and Grandpa laughing in the meantime.

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