Broken lives

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    The picture is of the Doll (left) and Flora or the Moon Presence (right), from Bloodborne

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    The picture is of the Doll (left) and Flora or the Moon Presence (right), from Bloodborne. Yes, I know the Doll's not moving in the waking world and Flora can only be encountered in the Hunter's Dream, but this is my story and nothing in here is canon, or is but very little, so you can find them in the waking world as well, so get used to it if you haven't already.

He was staring at her figure, color drained from her face, her eyes having lost their shine, tubes tying to her body, heart monitored constantly, as the machine made a beeping sound with each heartbeat. She escaped, barely, an arm so destroyed it couldn't be saved, but at least she was here, alive. Amygdala saved her, but it couldn't do the same for her parents.

Her mother died on the spot, head trauma, her father followed soon after, heart impaled by a piece of metal. (Y/N) was the only one still breathing, when the Great One ripped the car doors and pulled her out, sorrowful screams from the top of its lungs. It tried to heal her. but its magic was no match. Cecilia was rushing to them, yelling through the tears, each word incomprehensible from the shock and pain. Patches was following close behind, worried more about his lord than the dying girl lying limp in its palms. Rea and May called an ambulance and the police, both of them still in shock at the accident which tore the quiet life they loved apart.

Dipper sighed, recalling the night when Grunkle Ford phoned him, to give him the horrible news. He remembered his mind going blank, strength draining from his body as the words fell into his brain, their meaning sinking in like rocks to the bottom of the sea. He wasted no time. He begged his parents to let him go to Transylvania and see her, his thought frantically searching through his memories for something, anything that might help. That night was the hardest one of his entire life. To hear that a loved one was dying...he'd rather go through Weirdmagedon all over again than be given such news ever again. Unfortunately, only he and Mabel could come, Ford and Stan having something to do before they could join, which might imply finding an airport Stanley wasn't banned from.

He looked at her. Her body was there, breathing. But the (Y/N) he knew and loved, was gone, only a shell left behind.

James was sitting outside on the plastic chairs in the waiting room, tired and in need of a shower, his head in his palms and his heart heavy with grief. He looked at the clock hanging on the wall. 8pm. The funeral was over by now most likely. Sarah took it upon herself to prepare it, and none dared take such a grim task away from her, she was the only one string enough to endure, like she's always been. Cecilia was looking after the sisters, the poor girls still in shock, the death of their parents too much for them to handle. They were probably at the graveyard now, saying their last goodbye to the ones who gave them life. The family thought it would be best to not let (Y/N) take part in the ceremony since she was still recovering, the danger still looming over her, and the burial couldn't be delayed anymore. He didn't agree but he understood their reasoning. However, he couldn't participate, too worried by his niece to leave her alone. He trusted Dipper, the Higher Beings assuring him that the boy was reliable, but even so. He knew how it felt to lose your family to a certain extent. He didn't even want to imagine how she must be feeling.

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