Merry Christmas

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You were still talking with Dipper on the phone when you got home, Vlad running straight to the backyard to play with the others. You wished them fun and got inside, letting the warm air and sweet fragrance of food was floating in the air, the heat seeping into your bones and chasing away the cold from outside. You found Bendy and Shade sleeping on the salon couch and Pure help the Doll in the kitchen, Pale King, Grimm and Radiance were sitting on the salon table, still having their original sizes. The three Higher Beings looked up to see you come in and talking on the phone. You waved at them, and they returned the greeting as silently as possible, the Moth taking off into the air to perch herself on your shoulder and listen to your conversation.

The prince greeted you with a hug, nuzzling their snout on your face. You giggled, motioning to the phone in your hand, Dipper's voice echoing from the other side. They frowned letting you go and returning to help the Doll. You couldn't help but find them adorable whenever they were pouting like that. You headed to your room, not wanting to disturb the other two with your talking.

"I see you and Mabel have had a full day." you said, opening the door to your bedroom.

"Yeah. School sucks a lot." he replied.

"Tell me about it." you said, a smile tugging at the ends of your lips. "What are you going to do this Christmas?" you asked, taking a seat on the side of your bed.

"Well, the usual, you know. I think we'll drive with our parents to Oregon to spend some time with Grunkle Stan and Ford, look out for Bill so he doesn't set the town on fire again this year." he answered, sighing deeply.

You could picture the dream demon run around with a flamethrower, setting things on fire, laughing maniacally in the air. You felt a wave of compassion run over you directed towards Will and Dipper. If something like that were to happen, they were the ones who had to deal with it. Oh! Poor boys.

"Anything new about the train?" you asked him, trying to change the subject to something else.

"I'm afraid not. Grunkle Ford is still looking up information about it, but so far, he found nothing. You?"

"Nothing on my end either. James has been too busy to look into it and then there were the midterms." you answered with a deep sigh.

"Maybe the Great Ones know more about it? They've been around longer than anyone."

"I tried asking Flora but in vain. She doesn't know anything. Amygdala is the same. Ebrietas has been living in Yharman for the last few centuries so I doubt she has any idea about it either." you said, reaching out a hand and petting the Radiance's puff.

"Aren't there anymore creatures we can ask?"

"Hm...I don't know...Maybe Patches could..." you paused, hearing a frown from the other end of the phone. "Something wrong?"

"I don't like that Patches guy." Dipper said. "He seems shady to me. Even more than Bill and that's saying something."

Indeed. Bill would try to gain your trust and then his arrogance took over, revealing his true intentions. Patches, on the other hand, was much harder to read. He had better control over his act, one that could fool anyone if he weren't just a human head on a huge spider's body. You didn't like the idea of asking for his help either, but you didn't have many options left. The Doll was under clear instructions to not tell you about the other Great Ones, as Flora was not fond of the idea of another snatching you and claiming you as its child. Not like you could blame her for that one. She agreed with Amygdala's presence as it was more focused on your sisters and Cecilia rather than you and James.

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