Holding on to what we have

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Sunrays filtered through the curtains, filling the bedroom, and seeping through closed eyelids, heavy from sleep and tears. Though all the windows were sealed shut and the heat turned to the max, the house still felt cold and unwelcoming. Rooms which just the other day had been busting with life, were now silent. Feelings from yesterday still roamed through the halls, their dark touch painting everything black, the air hard to breathe.

Underneath the covers, she trembled from the very core of her being. The memories of yesterday had plagued her dreams and disturbed her rest, the bags underneath her eyes proof of the restless night. Remorse gnawed at the back of her mind, the bitter taste in her mouth making her sick, but no matter how many times she went to the bathroom, how much water she drank, it persisted like an annoying fly. With tired eyes and sluggish movements, she reached for her phone and looked at the time. 9:22 am. It was well into the afternoon, her stomach growling loudly and demanding nutrients, but Rea didn't feel like getting out of bed. She rolled on her back, closing her eyes, and thinking about what had happened. These monsters...she didn't want to accept their existence, didn't want to even hear of them again. And her sisters were...Good Lord! What had they gotten themselves into?

Suddenly, she heard someone knock at the main door. She got up, curious as to who it could have been. She wasn't expecting anyone from what she knew. She wanted to ignore it, curl up back underneath her sheets and sleep, but the more time passed, the more insistent the knocking became. Annoyed, thinking it may be one of her relatives, Rea got out of bed and made her way from the bedroom to the entrance, groaning and rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Without checking, she opened the door, ready to get this over with, only to freeze in place when she saw what awaited on the other side. Two people stood before her, dressed in black from head to toe, faces obscured by large hats.

"Hello, Miss (L/N). We apologize for disturbing you so early in the morning and promise to make this short. May we have a few words with you, please?"


May inhaled the cold morning air of January, glad to be back to the world she knew, in the light of day, away from the shadows and whispers of the dark. Next to her, Yurie was rubbing her arms, trying her best to keep herself warm. Her coat was nowhere near enough to keep her away from the cold, despite it being quite bulky. She looked at the young girl, amazed that she didn't seem bothered at all by the weather, with her jacket unzipped and no hat to cover her head. Though the woman wasn't wearing her usual attire, the white, flowing robe and hat with its characteristic eye mask, she was dotting an ankle-length, brown dress, and a black, wool jumper underneath her winter coat, her long, black hair tied in a bun and hidden beneath a chocolate-colored earflap beanie.

"Let's hurry inside, please." the scholar said, nudging her in the direction of the house.

May nodded and followed Yurie, her eyes gazing over the faded contours moving through the garden, leaving marking on the soft, white blanket. No doubt, those had to be Amygdala and Flora. How strange. Though she could feel their gazes upon her, she didn't fear it this time, but rather...fine? No, that wasn't the right word to describe her feelings. Deep down, discomfort still tugged at the strings of her heart, but it wasn't as strong as before. Slowly, she was making peace with their presence, curiosity winning, the desire to understand them and talk things over becoming stronger as she learned new things. Yurie's story really put things into perspective for her, and she wanted to at least, try and work things out.

"May! Yurie! I'm so glad you made it!"

The girl turned in time to see the White Lady come her way, arms open wide, blue eyes sparkling with joy. Before she knew it, May was hugging her, a strange warmth spreading through her being. When the embrace broke off, the child almost felt bad that it ended.

The Year Of RainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora