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"I don't know what to say (Y/N)." Dipper said from the other end of the line. "They are your sisters after all. You know best how they would react to the supernatural."

"Yeah, I know...Sorry for bothering you with my problems. How are you and Mabel?" you asked him, taking a seat on the stairs, as the bees were buzzing around you in one last raid upon the flowers before they called it a day.

Flora was resting on the rooftop and Pure, Ghost and Hornet were playing in the garden along with their other siblings, all of them having been reduced to their normal sizes. Bendy was sleeping in one of the trees, Shade resting on his abdomen. It was good to see those two getting along so well. You were honestly worried about it at first since the void cat didn't seem to be too fond of newcomers.

James had gone to drive Cecilia back home but would soon return. The White Lady and Pale King were down below, in the new kingdom of Hallownest, overseeing what had transpired since their last visit, deal with, most likely, a mountain of documents provided by Lurien.

"Hey. We're friends and that's what friends do, support each other. Don't ever worry about that. Me and Mabel are fine. We're still at the Mystery Shack, helping Grunkle Stan. Henry and Linda came over and they brought the others along. Alice, Tom and Boris seem to be adapting to the outside world quite well."

"I'm glad to hear. How are-Hey!" you shouted, taken by surprise when Grimm snatched your phone from your hands.

"Thank you for your report, but it's late and time for dinner. Goodnight." he said, ending the call, despite the protests on each side.

"Why did you do that? Don't tell me..." you began but he cut you off in the middle.

"Let's not discuss that now. Dinner is ready. Come on, everyone. Food awaits." the Troupe Master said, clapping his hands together, your phone safely tucked in his cape.

You sighed and shook your head. They weren't going to ever be ok with you having male friends, were they?


The new year started...absolutely freaking bad. First day of school, math test, biology test, chemistry test. Second day, the P.E. teacher, having noticed your arm, had lectured you for an entire hour about the dangers of performing while injured. She insisted on knowing what happened to you in the middle of class, but you kept silent, much to her ire. You didn't feel like telling her, and neither did you want your classmates to know what happened. Not like this at least. You didn't want to be pitied, to have them look at you with those sorrowful eyes. You didn't want to have that hang over your head like a grey cloud. But the teacher kept on pressuring you. The fact that you had an accident didn't seem to be a good enough reason for her. In the end, after minutes of going on like this, Henry snapped, smashing his fist against the table and shouting at her from the top of his lungs.

"If she doesn't want to talk about it, then she doesn't have to fucking talk about it!"

All eyes were on him, mouths agape in the air, a dead silence filling the entire classroom. The teacher took a few seconds to respond, Henry's rudeness taking a while to sink in.

"E-excuse..." she began, but he quickly cut her off, still mad.

"No! She already told you she had an accident! What more do you want?! You have no right to force her to say anything more!" he screamed even louder.

You were staring at him, wondering what on Earth had gotten into him. Was he drunk? It was quite early for that though.

From there on, boy! it was hell. They began to argue, and Henry was one step closer from suspension when another teacher from the class next to yours came in, demanding to know what was going on. At the end of the day, he still received detention and was told off by Mr. Gibson for how he acted, though much to everyone's sheer amazement, he agreed that the P.E. teacher didn't have any right to pressure you into answering. He knew what had happened, James having told him before the year began when he took legal custody of you. But, when all was said and done, Henry still went overboard and had to suffer the consequences.

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