Hour of Truth. Part 2.

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Flora growled, tails whipping at the air around her, Amygdala and Kos sharing in her restlessness. It's been five minutes, yet it felt like forever and every sign screamed for a tragedy. They stared from a distance, hoping things would work out. The Moon Presence let out a low hiss, face turned towards the Spider, curling, and uncurling her fingers, trying to resist the urge to punch it and then herself. Ugh! First Gertrude, now this. Was her father playing a prank on her again? She threw one look towards the sea, where the mist still lingered, too scared to come closer. What its kind did was not forgotten, but its actions in helping the girl couldn't be ignored. It had to be dealt with, but not now. Not yet.

You stole glances at both of your sisters, the silence between you three feeling almost suffocating. May didn't seem too bothered by seeing you, if only surprised. Her clothes and hair were dry already thanks to Kos, but she still had a towel on her shoulders as Flora didn't want to risk her getting a cold. You were surprised to see that she was rather cordial with the Great One, and except for the odd looks, which were understandable, she didn't mind her appearance. Rea, on the other hand, was one step away from fainting. She refused to let anyone get close to her, the horror on her face not letting go. She was pacing back and forth, mumbling to herself, trying to make sense of what was happening. It had to be a dream. No other way around it.

"I'm not going insane. It's...it's a dream...I'm not insane...." she continued to say, a mantra to reassure herself of her own stability.

May watched her, letting out a heavy sight before turning her attention to you.

"So..." she began, folding her arms across her chest, "(Y/N), I guess you have some explaining to do."

"Where is Kuro?" you found yourself asking, raising your head to look her in the eye.

"He's fine. Probably playing in the house with Cecilia. Did you know he was some kind of cat-griffin looking thing?"

"What? Is that what he transformed into?" you asked, trying to picture him.

"Yeah. You should really see him. He's so cute. I'm not giving him back, just so you know." she replied, smirking from ear to ear.

You blinked, staring at her with mouth wide open, mind struggling to process what May just told you.

"W-what? Hell no! You won't!" you retaliated, waving your hands around.

"Yes, I will!" she continued, still grinning.

You were about to reply when a loud thud drew your attention. You both turned around to see Rea crouched on the ground, holding her head with both hands, tears running down her cheeks.

"Hey, Rea! Calm down. It's...it's not that bad." May tried to comfort her older sister, but in truth she was still scared.

She managed to hide it when that monster, Flora that was what you called her, handed her a towel and made her use it, her knees going weak only when she thought of the three Great Ones standing a good distance away, watching them. However, she grew tired of being scared, of trembling in her boots and waiting for someone to come and fix things. She had two hands, two feet and a loud mouth so she might as well get this done by herself, right?

"Not that bad? NOT THAT BAD?!" Rea shouted, jumping on her feet and looking at her sibling. "Have you lost your fucking mind!? Don't you see those monsters?! They can tear us apart any sec-"

"They won't!" you interfered, stepping closer to her.

"How do you know?!" she screamed at you.

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