Born of Ink. Part 2. What hides in the dark

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"(Y/N)! It's so good to see you again, kiddo!" Stan said, pulling you into a bear hug, as soon as you got down from the plane.

"Hello sir. I'm glad to see you as well." you said, returning his embrace with your arm.

It was nice to be back in Gravity Falls, and most definitely, to know your feet were on safe ground. Truth be told, you had more faith in Cody's piloting skills, but even so the fear still crept its way into your heart, at the mere thought that you were several kilometers above the ground. The voices had tried to echo in your ears but being quickly stopped by the Nightmare King and Radiance as they sensed their approach, pulling you into their realm and keeping you there, the Moth also frightened and unable to make peace with the fact that one of James' relatives was driving that thing. Through the mist of sleep, you sensed Dipper's hand squeezing yours gently, warmth spreading through your body as you felt his touch. You often wondered...what did you do to deserve him?

"Grunkle Stan!" Mabel screamed, as soon as she got out and began to run towards her Grunkle.

You made way for her to hug Stan, smiling at the scene when two dark arms wrap around you and two tiny ones grab your feet, as a slight "Nyah!" came from below. You looked down, to meet Ghost and Robby's eyes, mischief glowing in both scarlet and black orbs. It took you only a second to get what was going on, pitying the poor bug. The tickle attack was still on apparently.

"Seriously, guys? Give Pure a break already." you said, laughing as you stared at the little ones, trying to be serious, but the image of the giant laughing as they were attacked with tickles was too much for you.

These guys were just too adorable.

Hornet was standing on the side, trying to not appear interested in her siblings' game, but the truth was that she was tempted to try it too. It was rare to see Pure fear something or in distress apart from it was something bad related to you or their other siblings. She wasn't jealous, oh no! Rather she was proud that she was the only one whom they treated like an adult, and didn't baby all the time, but still...she wished to do something stupid, at least once. Maybe she could use it as a practice that would work. Tie them up and the tickle them? Just to see what all this fuss was about.

Watching from the sideline, Grimm was smiling and relieved to hear you laugh again. He had his doubts about this entire journey, but maybe it wouldn't be that bad seeing how it started. On his shoulder, Radiance was pouting again, having been refused to use the flashlight, but her ire was short lived, melting away the moment she saw her daughter's bright smile. She too, was against her leaving so soon, afraid that she might get hurt more, especially with those darned voices always lurking around her like hungry hounds, ready to attack at the slightest opportunity. However, as she was listening to her beautiful laughter, just like her brother, she began to think that maybe this would actually work out, and you could get over the trauma.

"And these are Grimm and Radiance, Grunkle Stan. Ain't the moth just fluffy?!" Mabel screamed, as she pulled Stan after her towards the two Higher Beings.

"Y-yeah...they are something." he said, looking at the two bugs.

"Hello, sir. My name is Grimm, master of the Grimm Troupe and this is my sister, Radiance, the Old Light." the black insect said, bowing respectfully, the moth nearly falling off when he did that.

"Nice to meet ya." Stan said, hoping that they won't be too much trouble. His experience with dream creatures was anything but pleasant so far. "Well, I guess we better go. I left ford alone with those two demons and I don't want to spend my day scrubbing blood off the carpet."

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