Last days of summer

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"Very well done, Bendy!" you said, patting the Ink Demon's head.

He smiled, putting his arm around you and returning the favor making you giggle. He was making great progress with his speech; despite the short period you began to teach them. He could make short coherent sentences, such as "I'm fine.", "How are you?", "My name is Bendy.", but he still had some trouble here and there. You and Henry were doing your best to help him, and even the Doll was lending you a hand. She seemed far more used to this kind of thing, and you wondered if it wasn't because Flora was trying to learn human speech as well. The Moon Presence seemed a bit disheartened when she was trying to communicate, and her message didn't get to you quite right. Still, it was only a hunch, nothing concrete.

"You ok?" Bendy asked, a bit concerned.

"Yep." you answered, flipping through the cards in your hands with pictures and the name of the object underneath in big, bold letters. "Want to continue?"

"Ssuur." he answered, mispronouncing the word on purpose.

He would do that sometimes, because he liked to see that slight frustration on your face and tease you about it, and then, there was also the delight of watching his new sibling, Pure, trying not to interfere as they watched from the distance, jealously covering their entire mask. Ah! They were really a devil after all.


It's been a week since you returned back home from America with your new sibling. From the moment you arrived home, you were everyone's center of attention. The little ones were dead set on recovering all the time they had lost, barely had you set foot in the house and they were already over you, demanding your attention. They were a bit surprised when they saw Bendy, but that confusion quickly turned into joy at the fact that they had a new playmate. The Pale King was just as alarmed as Radiance at the sight of your new arm, the White Lady having to hold his hand the entire time he was talking to you in order to calm him down, but despite her efforts, he was still having a hard time standing in one place, his wings that he always kept hidden, buzzing nervously.

"It's ok, really. I almost can't even tell that it's not my real one." you tried to reassure him, but the concerned look in his eyes told you that it didn't work.

"Wait! Did it grow?! I can swear it grew a bit more?!" he asked, looking at the base.

"What?! Did something happen?! (Y/N) we need to get rid of that arm!" Radiance said, appearing out of nowhere, overly agitated!

You and the White Lady shared a concerned look with each other, and then sighed. That was going to be a long day.

James was...indecisive about the entire thing. He was overjoyed that you got better, having lost countless nights of sleep over the entire matter and what would happen with you. To see that you had regained your smile was a real relief. But it would be a lie to say he wasn't concerned about the arm, though not as strongly as the Higher Beings. Flora and the Doll were assuring him that everything would be alright, the Great Ones keeping an eye on your mind, ready to intervene should you fall back into despair.

Herrah and Monomon were the most amazed at the new change, the Teacher always asking you questions about how it felt and asking you to move it around to see how it worked. Thanks to her and Bendy, you found out that if you focus enough, you can actually grow claws on it, sharp and long.

"This is freaking amazing!" you yelled, the first time you managed to create them.

Both bugs agreed and then had you try to slice different material to test out their sharpness and durability. After many trials and help from Bendy and Pure, you managed to cut a thick wooden stick in two, the two halves' edges being smooth and clean, as if cut with a knife. It was amazing, though you knew it didn't amount to too much, but still. Oh! If only you had them when you were arguing with Camelia...or maybe not. That woman wasn't worth going to prison for.

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