Untitled Part 30

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Pink and purple were all around you, heart shaped balloons floating in the air, prevented by feeble strings from rising up to the darkened sky and getting lost into the ether, street lamps being suffocated by crimson ribbons and cutouts of ladybugs with their wings spread wide, a tube and a satchel with heart tipped blowdards tied around the middle with white silk and wearing fancy garments with gold adorning the edges. Insects were dancing and singing on the tunes played by the bands spread all across the grand plaza, some were resting on benches or losing in the other's gaze as they sipped from bubbly drinks of cherries and strawberries.

You and Ghost were watching the scenery from the bench in front of your home, situated on a hill that offered the greatest view in all of Dirtmouth. You were both munching on a strawberry flavored cotton candy, four boxes of chocolate lying near you. Your free hand was lying in your lap, fingers wrapped around a piece of paper that you've already read ten times, but you knew that once they fell asleep you'd read it again, under the silver lumafly lamp. Who knew Ghost could write poems like that? For one who's voiceless, they were more than capable of using words to express themselves and do so in a way that left anyone else speechless.

You sensed something cold nudge against your cheek, pulling you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see Ghost throwing the cotton candy away and wrapping their arms around you, pulling you gently in their lap, their head nuzzling against your face. You chuckled, tucking the letter in the pocket of your dress before wrapping your arms around their neck, pressing a kiss against their forehead.

It takes true lovers to be silly.


The Pure Vessel:

The crash of swords echoed from the distance, reaching the hidden spot in the Queen's garden in which you rested, white helmet on the side, the gentle breeze brushing against your skin and alleviating the burning sensation in your cheeks. Another day, another training session, clumsy bugs whom you had to beat into shape, crybabies that gave up from the first day, brave warriors who stayed. You sighed deeply, leaning your back against the marble walls, the scent of the white flowers filling your nostrils. You closed your eyes, and listened, the quiet murmuring a pleasant lullaby that slowly drawn you to the embrace of sleep, until...

You opened your eyes again, looking up to see the Pure Vessel stand before you, dark eyes looking down at you, their nail nowhere to be seen, a sign you knew all too well.

"Come." you said, making room for them to sit beside you.

They did so without reluctance, unlike before, when they first came upon you, resting in that secretive section of the garden, fresh wounds from battle still aching. As unsettled as you were, you couldn't muster the strength to chase them away and the thought of giving away your position in your weakened state made you growl. Instead, you let them stay there, watch you at your lowest pointed, wounded and alone, easy prey for those who despised you, which after years of training guards and fighting to protect the King to whom you've sworn loyalty, were not few in number. As you lied there, calming your nerves and letting your wounds heal, you felt a cold hand caress your head. You looked up, your jaw dropping as you saw the Pure Vessel try to give you comfort. You smiled faintly, a tiny voice in your mind screaming about how horrible this was, but you didn't care. You were loyal to the Wyrm, but you didn't have blind faith in him. Using this bug to end the Infection, you didn't trust it one single bit. But there were others who did and who wouldn't hesitate to tell him about Pure's failure, should they know about it. Thus, it became your secret.

"What is it?" you asked, looking at them, one of their fingers poking your cheek, hoping to catch your attention.

From beneath their cape, they produced a white flower, one of the delicate types that were grown by Ze'mer, and handed it to you, the soft petals glimmering in the light of the garden. You stared at them dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. Was...was that really happening or were you dreaming and wasn't aware of that?

They didn't wait for you to take it, and instead placed it behind one of your antennas, as gently as they could, a smile shining in their stare. You looked away, feeling your carcass burning, especially your face. Dang! Were they always this way?



"Don't you dare laugh." she snarled, back turned against you.

"It didn't even cross my mind." you said, arms folded across your chest, shoulder leaning lazily against the door frame.

Actually it did, but you knew that it would upset her, so you kept your mouth shut. You looked at the Daughter of Deepnest sitting on the floor, some old record playing in the background. She was wearing an old scarlet dress, the change in garments taking you by surprise. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she was trying to do.

You sighed, and approached her, offering your hand to the poor princess.

"Come on. I'll help you too." you said, and lifted her up, straight into your embrace.

"H-Hey! What are you...!?" Hornet yelled, trying to release herself.

"This is how you're supposed to do it." you said calmly, placing one of her hands on your shoulder and holding the other at an arm's length, gently squeezing her fingers. "Follow my steps." you continued, as you began to move slowly, making sure she followed.

Hornet didn't complain anymore, imitating your every move and trying not to step on your feet, but failed, her face turning red every time she did. You two danced for a whole hour, focused too much on each other to notice how time passed.

"Thank you." Hornet said, when you were getting ready to leave.

She was avoiding your gaze, staring at the floor, her hands behind her back.

"It was nothing. Hope it helped. See you later." you replied as you ran to catch the last tram home.

The next morning you found a knitted (favorite/color) shawl lying in your living room, the windows wide open. You smiled, thinking of her staying awake for an entire night just to knit that and then run all the way to the City of Tears to deliver it to you. Maybe you should offer her dancing lessons more often but ask for a date next time.

Author's note:

Hello everyone! It's been a long time, hasn't it? Sorry for how short this thing is, but I hope you still enjoyed it. Happy Valentines!

Now onto some other knews: Due to some circumstances irl, my updates will be delayed considerably, and I can't write as much as before unfortunately. I just wanted to let you know about that and thanks for understanding. I wish you all a great weekend and lots of fun!

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