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Me and the girls walk into my room. they run full force and started looking around. "Okay I'm am so fucking jealous," Abby says while she twirls around in my room. Kelly was staring in awe.

"So girls shall we put on pajamas and after I might give you a full tour," I say as I go into my closet. "Yes!" They both said. I laugh and give them a pair of one of my pajamas. "Thanks for letting us hang with you," Kelly said and she gives me a hug.

"Yeah Like name one celebrity that's this nice." She continued on saying. "You guys don't worry. I hate being alone sometimes. so I'm glad I have you two as my company. "Awww." they both say at the same time. I roll my eyes and we all laughed. I really am lucky to have them even though I just met Kelly she seems cool along with Abby. I give them the PJ's and they put them on I go into the bathroom and slide mines on too.

this what she's wearing...

"Don't you guys think we should have a little dance-off?" I say as slowly walk over to my radio. They looked excited. I turn it on and switch the station. "Wait go back to spice girls," Abby said happily.

"Be prepared to be outdanced," I say while laughing. We all started to lip sing and jump around like idiots. "If you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my friends." I lip sing. "Make it last forever, friendship never ends." we sang.

"If you wanna be my lover, you have got to give.

"Taking is too easy, but that's the way it is

Before we could finish we were rudely interrupted by my 10-year-old sister. she turned the radio off and looked at us clearly upset with all the noise. "What!?" I asked.

Kelly and Abby started laughing. I looked at them weirdly.

"Your sister is so adorable," Kelly says while walking up to her. Jamie moved back and looked at her weirdly. Kelly shrugged it off and sat on the bed. "What's wrong Ja?" I walk over to her.

Jamie sighs. "I thought you were going to play with me?

I sigh and mess up her hair with my hands, Kelly moves from my bed as I sat down on it beside her "Sorry umm... Jamie we didn't mean to intrude." Kelly said nervously. "Hey, you can join us I offered. "Yeah will need more company. Abby says while hugging Jamie, Jamie smiles.

"Okay okay get off me stranger." she chuckles. "Then it's settled. I said while taking Jamie's hand moving off the edge of my bed.

"Girls Night!" we all screamed and laughed. We make our way into the kitchen. with little Jamie trailing us.

Jamie runs to the stool and sits down. Kelly and Abby look around again in awe. "Okay, Brit you really have to give us that tour," Abby says while taking a sit along with Kelly. Kelly nods in agreement. "Oh, you two will get it." I winked at them. Jamie rolls her eyes and they chuckle at her.

"You guys wanna watch a movie," I asked. They all nodded.

"Oh, can we watch Barbie?" Jamie asked.

I cringe. look okay I like Barbie but... I'm 18. I think I'm a little too old to be watching that.

"No." I rejected, "Please. please. please" Jamie pleaded. I looked to Kelly and Abby and they shrugged. I huffed, "Fine, I don't care." Jamie clapped and Abby and Kelly started laughing.

"The Princess gets to watch Barbie Now HA!" Jamie said happily.

I roll my eyes and smiled "I guess she does." I go into the fridge to look for snacks.

''Can we get pizza Br Br" I glared at Jamie. "Br?Br ?" Kelly and Abby both said with confusion. I sigh and close the fridge. "She always calls me that," I tell them.

"Which is annoying," I said while looking directly at Jamie. Jamie giggles ''But you love it br br?" she said the last part louder.

They all laughed and left me embarrassed.

Before I could say anything my mom walks into the kitchen. I stand over the counter giving all of them death glares. "Why you girls all giggly in here," she said turning her attention on us. I roll my eyes and turn to my mom. "Nothing just chatting just- but Can order pizza for us." I pouted. "I don't feel like it." I said sighing, "Yeah pumpkin."

she left the kitchen to order the pizza. I pull a bowl from the cabinet and went to get popcorn. "Anyone wants butter?" I asked. No one response...

I looked back and they are gone. I get annoyed and look for them around the house. "Come on guys not funny," I said walking towards the movie room. Kelly and Abby along with Jamie were playing and chatting. I cross my arms. I know damn well my little sister just didn't take my friends. I sigh and go back into the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl of popcorn mixed with chocolate. I also gabbed some drinks along with another bowl filled with gummy's for Jammie.

I struggle to hold the stuff. I wished they could've helped me instead of running off.

I walk into the room and they all look at me while I struggle to hold the stuff. Kelly comes up and takes some of it. "Thank you, Kelly," I said and then glared at Jamie and Abby. They looked at me apologetically. "Mom said the pizza will be here 20."

They all nod. I sit between Jamie and Abby. "Barbie it is," I mumbled my breath. Jamie hits me and I make an ow sound and she shushes me. I looked back to the t.v.

But this whole time with the girls I couldn't stop playing the events in my head from tonight.

deep down I was hoping we met again

Okay loves next chapter is going to be a time jump.

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