Chapter 27 : Shattered Roy

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Hyderabad , India

Roy tilted his head sideways and saw Maya , looking outside the window of the car blankly. Her eyes were already welled up.

He held her hand and squeezed it

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He held her hand and squeezed it. She looked at him.

"Don't worry.. everything will be fine"he assured her. She nodded , hopefully and leaned her head to his shoulder. She wanted to cry. Roy was her biggest strength as for now. She prayed silently to all the god's to keep her father safe. His health had worsened than last time.

Half an hour later they reached the city hospital. Maya's uncle was waiting for them outside. They stepped outside the car and Maya rushed towards her uncle.

"Uncle... how's Nanna?"she asked worriedly.

"He's under observation Maya. Doctor said..... it's a bit critical"her uncle said making her feel numb. Roy held her shoulder while her legs were going weak.

"Roy...Nanna"she clutched his hand.

"Maya relax. Keep praying. Don't loose hope"he consoled her.

They were led inside by her uncle. Maya saw her father , lying in bed almost lifeless. Her face stiffened. She couldn't bear another loss in life. She touched the glass door with her palm and weeped slowly. Roy saw her in   the most worst phase of her life. He stood silently in a corner. Wondering how everything will end up in his life.

Few minutes later the doctor walked to them

"Doctor? How's he?"Maya's uncle spoke in between.

"We can't say much. Just pray. That's all we can do"the doctor said. Maya broke down more.  Clutching the end of her dupatta in her fists. She sat on the bench , lifelessly. Roy , on the other side wanted to console her. But he himself was going through a big turmoil in life.

"Maya?"he touched her shoulder. She clutched his hand and he sat besides her

"Will he leave me alone Roy?"she asked speaking out her fear which broke his heart.

"No Maya. He won't. He'll be fine"he entwined his fingers with her. Her lips was quivering. Tears dried up in her cheeks.

The doctor requested others to get back home. Maya and Roy stayed back along with her cousin brother and his wife. Roy was afraid to leave her alone in such a situation. Besides she was refusing to have food. Making it worser.

Roy woke up in the morning and found Maya awake besides him. They were sitting in the bench outside with her head in his shoulder. Their fingers were still entwined. She held it tightly as if she needed him the most. He saw her swollen eyes and her pale face.

"Maya"he called her softly.

She looked at him and realised that he's awake.

"You were awake? You'll fall sick. Listen to me. Have some thing"he insisted

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