Chapter 25 : Engagement Day

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Roy was standing in front of the mirror. His mind was completely blank. He himself doesn't know what he was doing. Today is his engagement. The day they all had been waiting for. He was dressed up in suit. Staring at himself through the mirror

He looked sideways and saw John , looking at him without any expression as well.

"What are you doing Roy?"he asked.

"I don't know Jo Jo"

"But I know..You're getting engaged to Saanvi. Do you know what that means? You're supposed to be with her. Lifelong"

Roy shut his eyes tight and looked at John.

"Jo Jo.. I tried. But I couldn't ra.. Saanvi is in another world right now. If I say this to her I.. I don't know what will happen. She's so happy and not only mumma Papa..her parents. They all are happy right now and I don't want to spoil it. Yes I had time and me being a coward couldn't gather strength to speak the truth. And Don't tell me that I didn't tried. I did. A thousand times I did. But I failed. I failed miserably"he fell silent.

John felt loss of words. Roy was right indeed. Anyone in his place would have felt the same.

"And Maya? I don't even know what to do with her. She loves me sincerely Jo Jo. I can feel that. How much ever I tried to ignore and avoid her. She never tried to interfere in my things. Just let it be. She's giving me time. She trusts me"

"Roy.. I do understand you. Not that I don't want to force you to take a decision. But see.. what's happening. You're getting engaged to Saanvi"

"I know Jo Jo. I know. Even if she gets to know about Maya she will ask me to take a decision. What will I do then? I feel trapped up in emotions. And I just need to get out of this. I'm done"

"Fine. I'm not forcing you. Anyway Maya will return back to Hyderabad in few days. We'll go and meet her father and then will tell him about Saanvi"John said and Roy nodded slightly. He was still not sure by heart.

"Roy..John.. what are you both doing here? I was Searching for you all around the house"Annie walked inside the room.

"Nothing mumma. We were about to come down"John said and Annie sighed.

She then walked forward and cupped Roy's cheeks

"You're happy right?"she asked. He smiled slowly and nodded

"Yes mumma"

"I'm glad about it. After all these months I'm finally getting to see you smiling genuinely"she kissed his forehead.

"Come down both of you. Mathew had been waiting for you both. Saanvi and her parents left few minutes ago"she said

"We will come. You go"

Annie nodded and walked outside the room. Roys smile quickly faded away. John noticed it and held his shoulder.

"Everything will be alright. Just let this engagement happen. Be happy. Don't think about anything else Roy"

They walked downstairs. Roy whipped out his phone and wondered if he should call Maya or not. He haven't called her for the past 2 days even though they exchanged small messages. She was staying with her cousin he didn't disturb her as well. After Aryas accident they met only quite few times and they didn't had any personal talks.

Roy then made up his mind to go and meet her after the engagement. He got inside the car and John drove it silently. Annie and Mathew were the happiest amoung all. From the mirror he could see how happy they are. And he needed the same.

In an hour they reached the hotel. They walked inside together. John was sticking to him like a glue. As if he's afraid to leave him alone. Roy's eyes caught the guest's.

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