Chapter 3 : Haunted?

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Arjun and Kavya bursted out laughing when I narrated how their daughter told me that the house im going to live in is haunted.

"She's one of kind Roy. Don't mind that. This girl is crazy"Kavya aunty smiled. I sighed in relief

"Yeah.. When Eva used to stay there she would be spending half of her time there. But now she couldn't. Probably that's why she told you that the house is haunted. Stupid girl" uncle said and I chuckled a bit. Thank God that Saanvi is no where in the sight.

"Btw need to purchase Things for your new home right?" Aunty asked

"Yeah..I'm planning to go by tomorrow. Uncle?." I said. He smiled

"You can call me that"he smiled

"But you look too young. I don't feel comfortable" i smile and he laughed

"It's okay Roy you can. And if you like I'll join you then... youre not familiar with the place right?" He asked and I happily agreed. Theyre doing a great favour to me and I don't want to miss it.

Later Kavya aunty left to cook the lunch and Arjun uncle had some phone calls to attend. I strolled around the house.. looking at the photos hanging in the wall. In most of the pics Saanvi stood Away from her parents and Arya. I wonder why. In the pics too , she isn't too dressed. Just a casual shirt and denim.

I was so engrossed in looking at the pics until I found someone peeping inside the room. I chuckled a bit. Arya was looking at me , hiding behind the wall. I casually walked upto her as if I didn't notice her and caught her wrists

"Caught you" I said smiling. She giggled and looked at me , smilingly

"Hi Arya. im Roy.." I said.

"How do you know my name?"she was surprised

"Your Amma appa told me." I said

"Ohhhhhhhhhh"she made a huge noise

"By the way... where's your elder sister. Is she here or still roaming around with ghost's?"

Arya chuckled

"Akka is taking bath. "


"My Doll is missing. Will you help me in finding out?" She asked and I nodded. She held me by my hand and took me to her room. Hers and Saanvis room actually. It looked like a fairy land. Hand made paintings , drawings , scraps , paper ribbons , butterfly's. It looked ausome

'wow...did you make all these?" I asked and she shook her head

"Akka.. made it"

Atleast she's good in something else other than irritating people. Arya started looked for her doll around the room. I looked around too but I couldn't find it. I looked beneath the bed and there it lay. I took them in my hands

"Is this your doll?" I asked and arya squealed in excitement and hugged me.

"Yes yes..her name is Beauty...she's pretty isn't it?" Arya asked excitedly and I nodded. She made me sit in the bed and started explaining the feeding and bathing schedules of the doll. I smiled at her.

The washroom door opened and Saanvi came outside. Her hair was still wet where water fell down dripping. I almost jumped up from the bed

"Hi...Roy"she smiled brightly seeing me.

"See akka... uncle helped me in finding my doll" arya said excitedly waving the doll on front of her. Saanvi glared at me

"Why did you huh? It was me who hid that stupid doll" she said and arya pouted. She walked out the room playing with her doll.

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