Chapter 14 : Birthday

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"Oh. didn't knew that she was taking you for Annabelle creation?" Roy bursted out laughing holding his stomach. While John wanted to smash his head from the other end.

"Stop making fun of me. You monkey!"

"Dude. Sorry i can't help it. Wait. Does she know that you're scared of lizards as well?"Roy giggled

"Nope. And if she comes to know about that too. It will be the THE END of our relationship"

"Don't worry. Bring her here. She'll get to know about that from Saanvi"

"Not even in my dreams. She'll hug me first and then squeal. Lizardddd...."John sighed.

"You know it right?"

"Anyway...what's happening there?"

"Nothing much. Her cousins are here for this weekend. I don't think I can do it"

" Don't burn your head. You need a good sleep bro. I'll call you tommorrow. Good night"

"Good night Jo Jo..let Annabelle haunt you in sleep" he giggled👻

"Roy..i hate you"

Roy laughed to himself When he disconnected the call. He lay on the bed with his eyes open. Staring at the ceiling. He smiled recalling what Saanvi said to him today

Dont you think i deserve someone like you?

He took a pillow and hit himself with a smile. And buried his head inside the pillow trying to catch some sleep. An hour passed by



"Wake up. Stupid"someone smacked his head. He opened his eyes and saw Saanvi under his blanket. Looking at him with a pout

" know something? You look more cute in my dream"he smiled faintly looking at her. She rolled her eyes at him. Realised that he's half asleep

Before he could realise she bit him on his cheek making him scream. She giggled

"Saanvi? What are You doing here?" He asked rubbing his palm over his cheek

"I came to sing a lullably for you"

"Very pathetic joke. But I'm laughing for you"he let out a fake laugh

"Roy..."She glared at him

"How did you sneak inside"

"Nothing is impossible for Saanvi.."she said giggling. He smiled at her

"Uff..stupid me. I forgot why I came here. I want you to come with me"she said

"Where?"he looked at the time.

"Time is nearing 12 and I'm hell sleepy. Let's talk tommorrow Saanvi"he said lying on the bed

"No. You can't say that. Roy...please Please?"she pouted making his heart melt


"Roy...if you don't come with me now. I'll make sure that you'll see the worst"she said glaring at him

"What will you do?"he smirked

"See it by yourself..Help! Help! He tried to rape me. Somebody please helppp....."she screamed her lungs  out making him widen his eyes

"What are you doing? You mad girl. Keep your mouth shut"he said worrying and covered her mouth with her palms. When she didn't stop he pinned her to the bed and came above her

That made her shut her mouth.

"Kill me. That will be better"he said looking into her eyes

"Roy...can I say something?"

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