Chapter 10 : Drunken Saanvi

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Roys eyes desperately searched for Saanvi in the vast Hall. She's been missing for the past few minutes. He excused himself from her parents as he didn't wanted to make them tensed.

He dialled her number and walked behind the auditorium to get the range until his eyes fell on Saanvi , who stood in middle of a gang of boys.

He rushed towards her.

" avenger " Saanvi squealed like a baby and hugged him. He broke the hug and looked at her

"Roy..i was talking about you"she played with his shirt buttons

"Are you Drunk?"he asked , shocked. She shook her head and pouted

"Im Saanvi.."she shouted and clapped her hands

He eyed the boys and they scooted soon.

"What's wrong with you Saanvi.? What if your parents spot you like this?"

To his shock she fell on his chest and started crying.  His face softened seeing her tears

"Why are you crying"

"Roy.."she sobbed again

"Saanvi..what's it?"

"I didn't knew that whisky is much better than Beer. Why is it so?"

He glared at her

"You promised me that you won't drink Saanvi"

"Me? No...I never was my ghost"

"Enough"He dragged her by her wrists.
Roy rode the bike , silently with his one hand on the handle and other above Saanvis hand which rested on his stomach

"Woooooo"she shouted

"Can you please shut your mouth?"he asked irritated

"Stop"she screamed

"Shut up Saanvi "

"I said stop. Otherwise i will jump..noww"

A sigh escaped from his lips as he stopped the bike.  The road was completely empty and silence prevailed the surroundings. Saanvi jumped down from the bike

"Ladies..and..gentleman..Introducing Myself. The most gorgeous girl on the earth..Saanvi Arjun chandra" she started walking in the empty road


"Oops...sorry. and my handsome..Avenger.  Roy...."she clapped

"Saanvi..lets go back "

"Sh..dont shout.."she kept her fingers on his lips. Her jerked it off

"Roy..this feels so nice..i wish i could have some more whisky..Hm.... darling"

"Saanvi. This is road..what if someone spots us and.."

"And? They will think that we are husband and wife and we are having a heated argument going on in middle of the road"

"Lets go Home Saanvi..and then you can do whatever you want "he was losing his temper

" not coming anywhere"

"Saanvi..stop it damn it!"he screamed making her freeze. She pouted rolling her lips up. He realised that shes hurt

""he held her wrist

"Dont touch me"she pushed him away

"Im sorry..just come with me now. We cant stand here like this. Its not safe"

She went back to the bike silently and made herself comfortable. He walked back to her and started the bike.

10minutes later they reached back to the apartments. He got down and held her waist

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