Chapter 24 : Accident

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Maya walked outside Chopra Technologies pleased within herself. Her interview went very well and she was glad that she did it. She tried calling Roy to tell him that her interview went well. He left her a message in the morning asking her to prepare well along with an all the best. She didn't call him back as she didn't want to cause him any kind of disturbance.

She dialled his number and was  disappointed when he didn't pick up her call. For the past few days she'd been thinking about something else. Deep inside she knew that Roy was still disturbed. She wanted him to be like the old Roy who would always joke around her. She missed that times. Best times of her life and she herself spoiled it.

Maya walked inside a shop. She wanted to gift him something and confess her feelings for him again. Probably that would change things between them and she believed it. She chose a black shirt for him as she knew that black is his favourite. In few days she will return back to Hyderabad and she was already sad to leave him behind.

After spending some time in other shops she walked across the road and waited for a cab. Fixing her eyes across the road she saw a little girl trying to cross the road alone. Fear gripped her heart as soon as she saw a car coming from the opposite. Maya rushed towards the opposite side but it was too late. The car slightly hit the girl and she was thrown to a corner of the road. Her head hit a rock and it slightly bled.

Maya rushed towards the girl and took her in her arms. The girl wailed painfully. Maya pulled out her scarf and wrapped it tightly around the girls head

"It's okay.. you're alright. It's a small wound"she patted the girl and took her in her arms. A man came out from the car , worriedly to check them.

"Take her to the hospital"Maya shouted at the man and soon they took her inside the car and drove to the hospital. She patted the girl safely and assured that she'll be okay. They reached the hospital in few minutes and they took her inside.

10 minutes passed by and the doctor came out.

"How's she doctor?"

"She's complete alright and it's just a small wound. She'll be okay in few days. And have to take rest completely without stressing her head. This is her school ID card. Please inform this to her family"he said

Maya sighed in relief and then nodded. She took the card from the doctor. The man who hit her insisted to stay back until the girls parents arrive. Since it's a small wound Maya asked him to go.

She then took a glance of the ID card.

Arya Arjun

Her name read. There was two phone numbers printed in the card. She dialled to the first one but there was no response. So she dialled the second one and soon a female voice came from other end.

"Hello? Is this Aryas Mother?"Maya asked


"Well..Arya had met with a small accident. She's admitted in the hospital"


Maya could hear a heavy breath from the other end.

"There's nothing to worry madam. It's just a small wound and she's completely Okay. Can you please come over here?"Maya asked

"Ye..Yes.. I'm coming"

She disconnected the call and sat outside. Aryas wound was dressed up. When Maya walked in she saw Arya looking at her blankly.

" are you?"Maya asked cheerfully

"I'm..I want to go home"Arya said sadly

"You can go tomorrow and see you're completely alright. There's nothing to worry. Your mumma will come soon"Maya said and Arya shook her head fearfully

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