Chapter 5 : Interview Day

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John hugged me as his cab arrived. I've insisted to drop him off at the railway station but he didn't want me to come.

"Concentrate on your interview. You should do your best bro" he said hugging me. I nodded with a smile. A part of me is a bit sad that he's leaving. He got into the car.

"Take care and don't be too harsh with her bro." He said smiling


"Saanvi..who else"

"I'll try. I cannot promise you. Btw why are you feeling so much of softness towards her "I asked raising my eyebrows and he grinned.

"Because she's..ermm..quite lovely"he said chuckling

"Really? Can I call miheeka here. She'll come here and will get you both married too"I said grinning

"Oh no..i was just Jocking dude. " He said and we bursted out laughing. We waved at each other as the cab moved out of my sight.

I walked back to my room and checked all my documents and certificates once again. Once I was sure that everything is perfect I walked inside the washroom for a shower.

When I came outside after 15 minutes I saw Saanvi pacing around my room and going through my files.

She looked at me for a while and her eyes travelled to my body. Damn it! Im standing shirtless in front of her

"Hi Roy"she smiled. Nothing can affect her.

I quickly rushed to my wardrobe and wore my T shirt. She giggled

"What The hell. Why did you come inside without my permission?"I yelled

"Oh hello. Stop yelling. First of let me tell you.. your six pack is Ausome" she giggled and I widened my eyes

" Second thing..this is my home too. When Eva used to stay here used to spend most of the time here. So..Mr. Roy..Saanvi doesn't need anyone's permission nowhere."she said proudly. I wanted to bang my head in the nearby wall

"Whatever. Atleast get out now. I need to change."I said

"You can..I'll sit here. I promise I won't even look at you" she chuckled closing her face with her palms. Ugh!

"I'm not so Shameless like you for your kind information."

"'s okay.. it's me. Saanvi" she showed her full teeth. I gritted my teeth.

"I know...that's why I'm saying it. I wonder if youre really a girl or not" I blurted out suddenly. Her expression changed as she looked at me. Oh damnit Roy. Get ready for the worst now.

"What...what did you say now?"


"You said you won't believe that I'm a girl. Seriously.? "She said as I kept mum wondering what she's going to do next. But to my surprise she laughed holding her stomach

"Such a boring question Roy..I'm tired hearing this"she pouted as I sighed in relief.

I'm tired hearing this"she pouted as I sighed in relief

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