Chapter 26 : Buried Feelings

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The function ended in a good note for everyone. But not for Roy. He wished to do justice with Saanvi. He hated doing this to her. But sadly he couldn't share it with anyone. The inner turmoil he was going through. John was the only relief to him. How long this will go. He had no idea.

"Roy...Drive slowly. Why this hurry?"Annie scolded Roy who was lost in his thoughts. John was sitting besides him silently. He wished to take Roy out of this.

The moment they reached back home Roy dashed upstairs. Followed by John. He quickly got rid of his suit and wore a casual shirt and jeans.

"Roy where are you going?"John barged inside the room. Roy ignored him and grabbed his phone and purse.

"Roy I'm asking you"

"To meet Maya"he said.


"Jo Jo please don't stop me. Please don't. I know what I'm doing is utter blunder. But I can't leave Maya alone now. Try to understand me"Tears brimmed in his eyes. John nodded slowly. Understanding what his friend was going through

Roy walked towards the door and stopped in his track.

"Jo Jo.. please be with Saanvi.. I.. I feel miserable ra"Roy said and John walked towards him. Pulling him closer for a tight hug.

"Everything will be alright Roy. I told you right? I'm with Matter what ever happens"
Roy tried his best to reach out to Maya. Her phone was not reachable. He was getting tensed by each passing moment. He went to check in her apartment but he couldn't find her there. Even Jothy didn't knew anything about her.

His heart was pounding. Time was nearing 10 in the night. The atmosphere was threatening to rain as well. He prayed inwardly to God to keep her safe.

He dialled her number for one last time and to his relief she picked it up.

"Thank God. Maya? Where are you? How long I've been..."

"R..o..y...Are you... safe? Where.. are you?"he heard her broken voice from the other end. And felt guilty.

"Maya"he called her softly and he knew what she'll be going through now

"Roy...You're.....are you.."he heard her broken words and her sobs.

"Maya I'm alright. Tell me. Where are you now?"

"VS hospitals.. I was told that you..."

"Sh.. I know everything. I'm coming there. Don't go anywhere"he hanged the call and rushed to the hospital.

By the time he reached there , it was raining heavily. He saw her sitting outside the hospital in an empty bench. Drenching herself in the rain.

"Maya"he shouted as he stepped outside and rushed towards her. He saw her shivering as she wrapped her hands over herself.


She looked at him and her face showed utter relief

"Roy"she breathed and ran into his arms. Both hugged each other. As tight as they can. He heard her sobs as she buried her head in his chest. He patted her gently and soon tears were flowing out of his eyes as well. She broke the hug and cupped his cheeks. She sighed when she realised that he was real.

"Roy... I received a call. Someone...they told me that... you.. you met with an I rushed"

He hugged her again before she completes.

"I'm sorry Maya"he said and she hugged him tighter.

"Don't leave me. Don't leave me again Roy"she said and he didn't knew what to say

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