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the encounter

" can't you do anything right? " her mother yelled, placing a stinging slap on her face, " you're so useless. "

" I'm a strong bean, " she said to the older boy who just laughed.

Her memory of him was almost faded, nothing reminded her of him.

It was nearly 2am and the house was dead silent. Y/n had her fingernails dug into the palms of her hand for the past hour. Deep crescent moon marks visible on her tiny palms.

She tried her best to keep her temper at bay, her bottom lip held hostage between her teeth as she glanced at her messy handwriting scribbled all over the paper.

She stood up, grabbing the empty bag nearest to her and stuffing her savings and some clothes into it. Swinging her bag over one shoulder, silently walking out of her room and out of the place she often associated with hell.

She let out a shaky breath as she stepped onto the cool dark streets of seoul. She felt adrenaline rush through her veins, she felt free. She was both excited and nervous, her heart rate increasing rapidly as she walked further and further away from the place she could not even call home.

She wondered around the dark streets, not knowing where she was even going. No, she wasn't afraid of some ' bad guy ' who wanders around the streets at night drunk. She knew basic self defence but of course she hadn't had the opportunity to use it.

She had one hand in her hoodie pocket and the other touching the back of her new piercing she got a few days ago as she came to a stop in front of an alleyway. She glanced at the alley, deciding to walk through it as it seemed to go on forever and she was too bored anyways.

She admired the graffiti on the walls while walking down the alley.


She paused. Looking around, y/n spotted the grey and white cat wandering around some discarded old boxes. She squatted down, reaching out her hand to gently scratch the top of its head, between the ears. The cat closed its eyes, meowing softly as it enjoyed her touch.

" you're so cute," she mumbled out, she was oblivious to the faint voices from not far away but didn't really think much about it until-


Y/n flinched as the sound of a gunshot pieced through the air. Her head snapped to the direction of the sound so fast that she could have gotten a whiplash. She squinted to the two tall figures standing there, her eyes scanned the two figures that stood a little over six meters away from her.

Both of them had broad shoulders and an attractive silhouette. Her breath hitched as she spotted the gun that was held in both their hands.

" To your right, boys. We have a witness. " The voice of the hacker rang through their earpiece.

Both spun around in sync, staring at the nineteen year old female who still had her hand on the cat's head and approaching her slowly.

She quickly stood up, causing the boy nearer to her to raise his gun. He took a step closer to her, the pistol pointing at her forehead. She stared into his cold, hard eyes that did not display any emotions behind them. Despite being held at gunpoint, she could help but admire his beautiful eyes for a good 3 seconds.

The girl did not know what to do, standing in a dark alley with a gun directed to her head was never in her imagination range.

" Jaem, " the other started and y/n took the opportunity to duck down, grabbing the gun with both her hands and yanking it out of his grip. Stepping away from him and pointing the heavy gun back at him.

" what the- "

" Drop the gun, " the other said, his tone of voice displaying his anger as he pointed the gun at Y/n, " or I'll shoot. "

Y/n, however, remained unmoving. Her hand shaking slightly due to the weight of the gun.

" Haechan, enter the alley from the other side. " the hacker's voice rang out through the earpiece upon seeing the situation through the cctv. " knock the witness out. "

" what do you want from me? " she breathed out, her voice did not show any sign of fear even though she was tarrified. Yes she wasn't scared of drunk dudes but she was definitely scared of Mafias.

Further down the alley, from the entrance she came from, a dark van pull up. The driver whose name was supposedly Haechan, slid out of his seat, putting on a mask to cover the bottom half of his face and brisk walking to where his gang members were.

He was nearing the other entrance of the alley when he paused, eyes widened as he saw the witness holding the gun, one of his members with his gun out and the other, disarmed and at gunpoint.

The witness was about 5'3ft ( 160 cm ) and she looked like she couldn't handle a punch. She was petite and she was definitely not a member of another gang because no gangs had female members.

He approached the female slowly, lifting up his hand to knock her out when she suddenly ducked down, her leg hooking on to Haechan as he lost balance.

None of them expected that.

Y/n quickly stood up, pointing the gun in Haechan's direction. " Who are you? " she asked, feeling confused but still scared.

" I'm your Prince Charming, " he flirted, sending a wink to the girl even though his back was hurting and he was now the one who was being held at gun point.

Y/n rolled her eyes, looking behind her swiftly to check if anyone was approaching her, " I'm guessing that you guys are in one team, so who are you guys? "

With his head tilted to one side, he leaned forward slightly before he responded with, " we're your worst nightmare, baby girl. "

She frowned, feeling someone's presence behind her. She ducked down once again but was a second too late and her world went black.

↳  y/n badass bitch ;)

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