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" my phone! we got to call the police! didnt you see him get shot? we need an ambulance! "

she knees gave way as she fell onto the ground, burying her face in her hands without sparing a glance at y/n who stood before her.

if anyone walked past, it would have seemed like y/n was some sort of highschool bully.

the brick red wall making y/n feel a little claustrophobic and the only noises came from the witness's heavy breathing.

y/n could barely hear the instructions given to the other members through the earpiece. it was like all the sounds around her was drowned out.

" yoonmi? " the witness finally looked up, allowing y/n to see who it was.

instructions given to her were already bad enough, and seeing who the witness was made everything ten times worse.

" yoonmi! that was your teacher wasn't it? aren't we going to call the police? this is murder isn't it? " soojin rambled on, her hands gripping y/n's leg in desperation.

y/n sighed, she can't act all weak or sympathetic in front of her, not at this current time, no.

she is still a gang member after all, she made that choice to join and she can't go back now.

" no, we're not calling the police. " she stated, as soojin's hands fell on the dirty floor.

" no? what- what do you mean... you saw that right? " her voice trembled, sounding almost fearful of y/n herself, " what about sakura? you- you didn't kill... you didn't right? "

y/n felt her fingertips turn icy cold even though the location they were at was not at all cold.

" i did, unfortunately, " she kept her voice calm, her hand was shaking as she gripped onto the cold metal.

" you- what? no, it cant- you can't- she was so nice to you and i know you liked her too didnt you? " soojin pressed her back against the wall, attempting to get as far away from y/n as possible, " tell me this is some april fools joke, that teacher didn't die did he? it was all staged wasn't it? "

soojin forced herself to let out a laugh which came out somthing between a titter and a high pitched laughter.

" sinc-since when did you learn how to make jo-jokes? " soojin stated, making y/n unsure of whether she truly believed that everything she had ever seen or experienced was a lie or that she attempted to lighten the heavy atmosphere.

" i really did kill her, " y/n deadpanned, " it was an accident thats all, i really didn't mean to kill her. " she pulled her gun out, clicking it as she double checked for bullets in it.

she heard soojin let out a whimper as she tried to stand on her jelly-like legs that couldnt hold her weight with bits of sweat tickling down her face.

" no- no need to get so aggressive here right? right yoon-yoonmi? we're fri-friends right? " soojin stammered, " you'll let me off rig-right? "

" friends? you call us friends? " y/n wanted to laugh but she just couldn't bring herself to do so, " after everything you did to me? "

she watched as soojin's expression turned from being scared to confusion and to pure terror once she saw y/n pointing the gun at her.

" you dont know? mental abuse, physical abuse, always forcing me to work just to give you money, " y/n relived all her terrible memories from that hell hole, her buring hatred for towards her sister came flooding back, " do you want me to go on? "

she thought she had somewhat learnt how to forgive her family through the past few months she spent with nct, but it seemed as though she had only pushed those memories aside for the time being.

" you- youre my sister? youre y-y/n? where-where have you been- we need the money- "

" there, there you go again, don't you get it now? im never going back and so are you, " y/n's finger tightened around the trigger, " who cares if we're blood related? "

" have you ever done anything for me? have you even treated me like we're related? all i have been was your dog. "

" im done taking orders from you, i can't even regard you as my family member anymore. ive found my family in the past few months, and thats where im intending to stay for perhaps the rest of my life. " she catched her breath, " i can't let you off, its like the loyalty for my family. "

soojin cowered and started rambling about how she was willing to change and how she would not leak a single word to a soul.

" im sorry "

and she put three bullets though her very own sister.

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