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" aw look how cute, " haechan coaxed, pulling out his phone faster than the rest of the members and begin snapping photos of the two still cuddled in bed.

the only reason why half of the dream members were crowded outside jaemin's room was because it is currently 3pm and nct were supposed to have a meeting with seventeen in roughly an hours time.

" move it, donghyuck, " renjun nudged him away, wanting to see what was going on himself. he too, pulled his phone out and started snapping his own set of pictures of them.

" you're going to wake them up, " jisung commented, attempting to pull them both away.

y/n fling her arm around jaemin, moving yet again closer to jaemin but still not waking up.

the struggle at the doorway attracted a few members- sungchan and shotaro- who were just wandering around the halls. they stood watching renjun and haechan struggle with their youngest member in amusement.

" whats going on? " they heard jaemin ask sleepily from where he was, his voice deeper than usual due to the fact that he just woke up due to all the commotion going on.

" five more minutes, " y/n groaned, attempting to cover her head with the blanket but ended up tugging at jaemin's shirt instead, thinking it was a blanket.

haechan's loud fanboy noises caused her to stirred awoke, realising she was only barely centimetres away from jaemin's face, her leg- which was way shorter than jaemin's- swung over his own.

she half wiggled away from him, not entirely wanting to wake him up though she was fully aware that he was awake as she had.
heard his voice moments ago.

y/n forced herself to sit up, her hair slightly messy due to all the tossing and turnings throughout the night. she snuck a glance at the door, jolting in shock after noticing the five of them standing by the door, rubbing her eyes to ensure that she was indeed not dreaming.

" ah shit, " she muttered under her breath, her head falling back onto the pillow. she heard abit more arguing and renjun's voice telling them to be in the meeting room before 4pm if not they have to risk jaemin's room getting wrecked- or something along those lines.

once the door closed, she let out a sigh, checking the time before attempting to get out of bed. she was stopped by a light tug at the back of her shirt.

" where are you going? " jaemin asked, his voice still slightly raspy.

she turned to face him, her eyes scanning over his features and taking them in. she hoped she could stare at him all day.

" we have to get ready for the meeting at 4, " she told him, a small smile lingering on her lips after she recalled yesterday's events, " i'll see you at the meeting later. "

she gave him a little pat on his head, her heart doing backflips when she saw jaemin's small pout and she left the room to get ready for a meeting that she wasn't sure what purpose it was for.

y/n exited her room, pleasantly surprised to find jaemin waiting for her outside her room for her. together, they made their way to the meeting room, still hearing several voices from the kitchen as they still had several minutes to spare.

when she stepped into the meeting room, she was met with more people than what she had expected. nct and seventeen members scattered across the long meeting table, some choosing to interact with others while others just sitting there using their phones or staring into blank space.

she scanned through the faces at the table, noticing dino who sat nearer the dream members, engaged in a conversation sounded rather light-hearted from where she stood. she could hear them laughing, with smiles on their face as if there was nothing wrong with the world or there was no such thing as ' problems '.

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