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Maleiata's POV

"I can't believe it's all finally over"- my wolf barked at me in revelation.

"I can"- I respond with a chuckle. "And after everything that's happened I'm so so happy to see that I haven't lost you for good" I now smiled at my beautiful white wolf and best friend.

"And I'm glad that your alive too"- she smiled back.

"Your wolf's not the only one that's relieved to have you back alive"- a familiar deep voice suddenly interrupts my internal dialogue.

It had now been a couple of hours since I was brought back to life and ripped Nicolas' wretched heart out from his body.

Since then my family (The Royal Crescent Pack), Junior's pack (The Aurora pack) and all of our neighbouring brothers returned back to Junior's mansion to debrief and put our wounded wolves to the mend. Including me.

It turned out that by the time I got the medical room, all my wounds were healed. But what shocked me a little was to find out was that I was back to normal. My powers were no longer there. What shocked me even more was my relief. In all honesty this was probably the cherry on top of this entire evening.

After I got the all clear, I then ventured out and planted myself on the lounge in the living room. It was empty and dead quiet, where I could just spend time in stillness with my wolf.

I had to look up to where the intruding voice was coming from and instantly it caused my heart shudder when I saw that it was Alpha Leon; one of the original werewolf forefathers and my stepfather.

He was wearing his same old battle suit, and his glare was still as piercing and intense as I last remembered them.

"How are you feeling?"- He finally spoke up with such gentleness in eyes I've never really experienced before.

I had to look around me a couple of times to make sure that he was actually talking to me, which he was.

"Ummm, yeah. I'm good"- I replied awkwardly.

He smiled at my response and joined me on the lounge, facing square on towards me.

"Look I realize you and I never really got along, and I get it. I'm not your dad. And given after everything we've been through, I am sincerely glad to see that you're alive and well"- he spoke out firmly whilst taking one of my hands into his.

Huh? I was literally lost for words after that left his mouth. I don't understand where this kindness is coming from.

"I realize, the last we saw each other wasn't under the greatest circumstances. You and your siblings had just lost your mother and I had just lost my mate. I treated you all unforgivably badly, I cannot express to you how deeply, and utterly sorry and regretful I am for the hurt I've caused, and for not trusting your judgment"- Alpha Leon spoke up sincerely.

I was still stunned at his entire demeanor. This was a side I never saw at all. For once, I could tell he was completely genuine in his apology. Unfortunately, this affect still caused my mouth to stay mute in shock.

Ok now this was just awkward.

"That morning, when I led my army here two years ago, I remember seeing your father for the first time"- Leon spoke up, which immediately had my undivided attention.

"By the time we arrived to your village, there were at least hundreds of hunters surrounding a couple of cottages, including yours."- he continues reliving his memory.

... "Everyone from the village was already dead, but what caught my attention was that there was only one who survived. Your father. Despite being surrounded by over 20 hunters your father was still courageous enough to stand by his home and defend it. I ordered my men to attack the hunters immediately, but unfortunately we weren't quick enough to save your father. One of the hunters had already shot him and fled."

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