Chapter 2: Showdown

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Chapter Two: Showdown

 Maleiata's POV

Rounds of bullets were flying continuously all of which Marcus gracefully dodges as he kept walking towards the hunters. Without leaving my position from behind the banister, I use my peripheral vision to keep tags on Marcus, whose walk now suddenly became a chase causing the bullets to cease. 

Before I could get a breathe in a loud piercing scream filled the air.

Without panic I take a peek around the otherside of the column and saw that the scream was coming from a middle aged woman. She was lying and withering in pain on the ground. By catching the scent of fresh blood in the air, I knew she was shot.

When the shouting ceased, her body started to violently shake and soon enough foam started filling up her mouth causing her to choke.

A young Caucasian man who looked at least 20 rushed to her side whilst still keeping low to the ground. I paused as I watched this guy murmur something to the woman and tilted her head sideways so that foam would spill onto the ground.

There was something particular about this fella. He had a boy band haircut only he could pull off, light greyish eyes and had brawny physique. I then recognised him.

He was the human the hunters were following earlier.

Continuing to watch, I saw the guy pull a phone to his ear and freeze as a gun was being pointed at him from the side. I couldn't see who was pointing the gun as the gunman was standing behind another concrete column.

Thankfully, he remained calm and threw his phone to the ground.

As he kept his hands in the air he still managed to look down to check on the woman who was now dead. And what happened next then startled me.

His chest started heaving. His eyes that looked so kind then started to become angry and black, glaring back at the gunman. His fists started to ball up in the air and an animalistic snarl seethed through his teeth.

"You didn't have to fvcking shoot her!"- the guy shouted.

"We need to help him"- my wolf howled in frustration.

As soon as the gunman stepped closer to the guy he moved into my eye sight. And I saw that the gunman was the hunter: Joshua.

Without hesitation my guns were ready in the palms and as I swiftly walked around the barrier to face the hunter I raised both arms straight ahead and squeezed numerous bullets into the hunter's head, heart and chest.

As his body hit the ground I continued walking up to the guy whose eyes stayed on me with a WTF expression.

"Did you know you were being followed?"- I asked with a fierce tone.

"What the fvck, No?! I haven't seen that guy ever in my life!"- he panicked in confusion

Taking in his defensive body language, the young man was saying the truth.

"You need to come with me then. You're not safe here"- I affirmed grabbing his arm and lifting him off the ground effortlessly.

"Oh and I'm going to be supposedly safer with you? What about that woman?"- he jerks back in protest

"Dammit! She can't be helped"- I hissed

I continue walking and dragging the guy along with me. His protests were useless against my hold and as we almost reached the entrance I saw the back of Mina kneeling over a body that laid still.

"Lei! Come now !!!"- Mina shrieked though the mind link

The subway was by now mostly cleared and as I reached Mina I saw that she was crouching over Marcus who was lying on the ground. My eyes widened in shock and my wolf started howling.

"Leave him with me, he's breathing so he's ok"- I said calmly

"Does this look ok to you?!"- Mina shot back, her wolf snarling up at me.

I shot her back with the deadliest glare instantly causing her wolf to whimper apologetically and bowed her head down.

"I need you to hold your shit together Minx! Please take this human to the car and wait for me there"- I instructed

In obedience, Mina nodded but kept facing the ground. She looked back at her brother placing a hand on his chest for assurance for standing up.

Unexpectectly, when she stood facing me and the human square on, she froze; locking her eyes onto his. And his reaction mirrored hers. "Mate" they both whispered.

Seconds passed by and neither of them had moved. Marcus at this point was shivering and kept his hand on his gunshot wound (stomach) which was unusually spilling with a vast amount of blood.

"MOVE ! NOW !"- My wolf growled at the pair wanting to claw them in frustration.

Once they fled I knelt by Marcus' right side placing his head in my left palm and right palm on his left cheek. His breathes started to quicken and become sharper. His skin was turning light purple. What was happening to him?

"Malakai, I need your help"- I was calling out for my twin brother through the link

"I'm already here"- he instantly answered.

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