Chapter 27: Ego

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Maleiata's POV

Despite the fact that war was creeping closer to our doorstep couldnt be detected in the mood amongst our packs as we gathered around the table for breakfast. I felt peaceful as I sat in the dining room that was filled with energised banter and conversations. I saw friendships flourishing and laughter pouring out. I couldnt help but feel like I was back at home with my family two years ago. Only now, my family has been extended.

I sat at one of the ends of the table with Junior on the opposite end and I couldnt help but feel this was soon going to turn into an ambush as all the girls seemed to be sitting on my side. No doubt they wanted to know what happened last night.

I flash my mate over a warm smile and he send me one back with a wink.

"So Lei, the girls were talking and we were thinking of going for a dip in the pool after breakfast. What do think?"- My cheeky little sister Mina smiled.

"I think your trying to get me away so that I'll talk"- I replied with a raised eye brow. Looking around my end of the table and Seeing as my sisters, in laws and now new sisters from my new pack all looked back me with pleading facial expressions I couldn't help but cave in.

"Fine! Let me finish my pancakes first ..."- I teased and looked back down at my stack of scrumptious pancakes. And even before I could reach for my fork my hands was seized which then yanked me out of my chair and rushed me out of the dining room.

As we drew closer to the door I sighed with relief when Junior stood up between us the door with a smirk.

"As much as it pleases me to see my mate bonding with you ladies I will have to ask that you return to your seats. I'm about to go over the battle plan"- Junior insisted with a serious but lightened tone.

"Thank you"- I mouthed to him in appreciation.

"You can thank me later"- Junior whispered seductively through our mind link, causing shivers to run down my spine.

As I returned to my place on the table the room quickly started to quiet down when Mina leaned over to me ...

"Your mate annoys me"- she whispered sternly

"Not as much as you annoy me"- I replied

"Hey, I'm not the one whose dumb enough to get with two other wolves when my mate was around" - she rebuked

"Do you really want me to bring up your flaws as well?"

....... "Ok I don't like this game anymore"- she sulked

"Me neither"- I smiled

"Friends again?"- she smiled back


After our little banter the room's focus shifted onto my mate who was now standing together with his father and Uncle Mason.

"We've received an update that the Hunters is estimated to arrive within the next 36 hours so we need to be on our game from hear on out."- Uncle Mason announced

"Therefore, everyone will need to make sure they're in peak condition, train if you must, sleep a little while if you must, and you'll also need help secure the village and assist other villagers to leave by this afternoon"- Junior's father Brett followed

"But until then here's the plan...." - Junior continued

"We're going to draw the Hunters to the clearing. All our runners will be drawing out the hunters that are hidden in the Forrest by setting it a blaze also drawing them to the edge of the clearing where we'll kill them on site.

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