Chapter 8: Meeting the Alpha

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Chapter 8: Meeting The Alpha

Maleiata's POV

I was up at 6am after having what seemed an hour worth of sleep. But I felt good. The talk with Mina lastnight really helped me refocus.

I couldnt really sleep so instead I unpacked all my things, decided to layer my hair for a change and have a shower. By the time it hit 6.50am, Micah was up and after brushing his teeth we headed downstairs to make breakfast.

An hour in I put stacks of Pancakes on the table together with bacon, scrambled eggs, toast and muffins. As I was about to put Micah in his high chair I heard Mina and Uncle Mason stir awake. Micah looked up at me with his dimples showing and giggled, after which he helped himself to his pancakes.

As I heard Mason make his way downstairs I went to pour his coffee.

"Goodmor ...."- He started

I turned around to face him and saw that he was lost for words and had a confused expression on his face.

"Goodmorning Uncle"- I smiled and put his cup of coffee on the table and sitting down.

Mina then walks into the dining area, pushes uncle Mason down into his seat, kisses Micah on the cheek and laughs at the awkwardness.

"Goodmorning lovely people, I see your feeling better"- she smiles at me

"Absolutely"- I smile back

"are you sure your OK?"- Uncle finally broke his silence. Mina and I exchanged smiles again

"Uncle, its only a hair cut and Yes. Everythings back to normal, my wolf just wanted to go for a run thats all"- I assured him.

"You know its rude to stare?"- Mina said to Mason which then he finally took his eyes off me and finally saw all the food on the table

"You should eat"- I told him

5 minutes into eating he looked up at me again.

"so what are your plans for today?"- Mason asked me. Mina looked back me too

"thought I'd scope out the village ...."- I started

"she means to say she's going to check out the college we're going too"- Mina interrupted.

"uughhh ... what college?"- I asked. Who said I was goingto college?

"Look, I dont need to tell you that while your here you need to keep your heads down and out of any spot light. I've enrolled you along with Malakai and Mariah to college. You need normalcy in your life now"- Mason said

"I've got things to do"- I injected

"well then, do what you gotta do. But discretely. No hunting. under any circumstance, you guys will not be hunting"- He instructed

"and if we're attacked by hunters, or see a hunter?"- I probed

"you ignore them and run away. They wont even suspect your a wolf"- He answered

"Uncle, you know I can't just ignore them. We still have a duty of care"- I was starting to raise my voice

"Lei, your not a Warrior anymore. You've been relieved...."- he started

"look I appreciate everything. I'll go to college if its what makes you happy, but just know if a Hunter ever crosses me, I will not hesitate. Ive seen the papers, theres been mass murders around this Island. Dozens of packs have been annilated. I am not going to start neglecting my duties, not now not ever"- I stood my ground


"your exactly like your mother"- Uncle Smiles at me

After we finished breakfast, Mina stayed to clean up whilst I take Micah upstairs to bath and change. As soon as he was dressed I let him play with his toys while I got changed. I ended up wearing black skinny jeans and a fitting 3/4 sleeve baseball t-shirt which Mina had already layed on my bed for me. Does she doubt my fashion style this much she has to dress me.

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