Chapter 9: The First Sign

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Thank you so much for commenting and voting on this story :) You guys are awesome!

Dedicating this chapter to @blackdahliarose :) Hopefully Maleiata's family starts cutting her some slack ;)

Hope your all well and safe :) Enjoy Chapter 9


- LadyNox


 Chapter 9: The First Sign

Maleiata's POV

As soon as I was geared up and was ready to go, a strong migrane slowly started invading my head and my heart thumping hard against my chest at an accelerating rate.

What the fuck is happening to me?

My wolf felt it too and I heard her crying out in pain.

I left the engine to run and waited bringing my head down to rest on the right handle bar of the bike. The pain was unbearable at first, but as minutes past the pain started to subside.

As soon as I regained control and the pain went away I changed gears and took off.

I loved the feel of fast vehicles. The adreneline I get just always seems to uplift my spirits.

As I was driving along the forrest track to get to school a skyline was driving just a few yards ahead of me.

"So how was meeting the new neighbours?"- a male voice appeared. I'm guessing it was coming from a passenger of the skyline.

I could catch the scent of 3 wolves recognising one of them

"They're just mere humans, not worth talking about"- It was Junior

"Are the chicks hot at least?"- Another male voice appeard. I rolled my eyes.

"you'll find out soon enough"- Junior replied with a hint of annoyance in his voice

"what they're coming to Skyfall?"- the first voice appeard again

"apparently"- Junior said flatly

"man its about time we got some new booty up in this joint"- the second voice appeared again

I've heard enough of this testosterone talk and stepped on the gas.

I could see the college just behind the trees a couple of yards down further so I went off track and drove into the forrest instead creating myself a short cut.

I managed to park my bike just on the side of the school entrance gate and quickly stepped inside the building before the skyline pulled into the parking lot.

After I fixed up and collected my schedule I headed out of the office still feeling the a small migrane and I immediately walk into Mina and Mariah, who were waiting in the corridor.

My older sister Mariah was beautiful, lean with chingy honey brown eyes and tall. She always looked as if she just stepped of the model runway.

"Glad you could make it"- Mina smiled

"Had to take care of a few things with Micah"- I answered and as I looked over to Mariah she started stalking over to me

"I'm so sorry Lei"- she said sheepishly and threw her arms around me holding me tightly in an embrace

"Sorry for what?"- I asked her whilst struggling against her hold

After a few seconds she finally let go and pulled back abit looking confused, still leaving her hands on my shoulders.

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