Chapter 3: New Plan

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Chapter 3

Maleiata's POV

As soon as my twin Malakai made it to the subway we were able to bring Marcus, our second eldest brother back home in time for our Pack doctor to take care of him.

He also happens be our oldest family friend, Lorenzo.

It took 2 hours for Marcus to be brought out of surgery and into to our medical room where I anxiously sat by his right side. Looking down at my handsome brother I couldn't help but feel responsible. This was my patrol. And he got shot - on my watch. My step-father and Alpha, Leon wasn't going to be too happy about this. But all in all I'm just thankful that my brother's ok.

Placing my hand over his, I leant down to kiss him on his cheek and pressed my forehead onto his.

"I'm sorry"- I whispered in defeat

I was that caught up in my moment of guilt when I didn't even notice when my older siblings Manu, Marley, Monica, Mariah and their mates joined me in the room, including my twin Malakai. When I finally looked up I saw that we were all now surrounding his bed and together we stood in stillness, wishing our brother would be ok.

The silence broke as our Pack Doctor, Lorenzo walked into the medical room with our Alpha Leon.

"I was able to remove the bullets and all the silver shafts in his organs. So I'm pleased to say he's condition is stable for now, which means he's starting to heal"- Lorenzo advised

"My old friend, I can't thank you enough for all your fine work. I trust that he's in good hands"- Alpha Leon.

 For someone whose been around for centuries, Leon didn't look a day over 40. He was tall, tanned and chiselled with emerald Green eyes. I remember the day he brought us to his mansion, he instantly got along with my little sister Mina and the two have been close since then. 2 years later, I was still closed off from him. The only time when we'd engage in conversation is when we'd go over hunting strategies and training.

Alpha Leon is one of the three Original Werewolf Forefathers. He's lived for centuries and has is sanctioned as the leader of the Royal Crescent Pack. When he took us in 2 years ago, we were inducted as his soldiers, as a way to seek vengence for our father.

All three Lords were Alphas, charged with the birthright as the Lycan Warriors. The protectors of the entire werewolf race against the Hunters.

 It had been centuries before he met his mate, Marianna Mahalia. Who is also my mother.

After centuries of searching it took a village invasion back in our home on Crescent Island for the two to meet.

It was also the same invasion where we lost our Father. Losing dad was the hardest thing for me to accept and I strongly felt that Leon could never measure up to him in the ways of a father but I appreciated everything he's done for us. Seeing mum happy with her mate was enough for me tolerate him. 

Alpha Leon and Lorenzo were standing with us now at Marcus' left side observing his limp body that was  hooked up to machines.

 "I still don't get how this could happen to him. Why's it taking him so long to heal?"- our third eldest: Marley said anxiously

 "I understand we're all a little distressed for your brother but ..." - Lorenzo started ..

 "Just tell us straight Doc"- I interrupted. I love the man, but I wasnt in the mood for beating around the bush.

 The tension in the room was at its peak, and all eyes were on the Doc. Leon shot me a growl for my blunt outburst but ignored him; keeping my attention on Marcus.

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