Chapter 16: Birthday

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Chapter 16: Birthday

Maleiata's POV

"Focus ....... Feel your surroundings ...... channel your powers ..... "

Hearing Uncle Mason chant those words soon filled my head and brought stillness and peace within my being.

I was blind folded and sitting on my heels in the middle of training mat.

Taking in deep breathes I was concentrating on the movement of 2 figures who were circling me.

As Mason's words created eerieness, my wolf and I were alert and receptive.

Within a split second I heard one of the two strike at me from behind - automatically sensing his movement I waited at the precise moment to back kick him and there I sent him flying...

as I turned my attention to the other person I heard an arm swing at me slicing through the air only which I dodged - and quickly positioning myself, I grabbed onto the punching arm and elbowed the face that was connected to this body

Sensing him stumble back I felt a rush of adreneline building within my arms and with that I instinctly held them up in front of me and felt energy released. Confirming my impact I heard an "oouuuffff" escape that persons lips.

I couldnt remove the grin that was on my face. My wolf was howling and cheering - she was livid yielding such power and strength.

5 minutes later I had the two on their asses and screaming for the training exercise to be over. Not wanting to give up yet I kept standing in my attacking stance - trying to sense where the two have rolled off too when I heard a single pair of hands clapping and a high pitch scream.

"GGOOOOOO LEII !!!! DAYYYUUUMMM GIRL YOU SURE KNOW HOW TO KICK SOME PO PO" - it was Mina's voice that I heard coming from the direction of the training room door.

Not realising how staggered my breathing really was I finally started to take deeper breaths and took of my blindfold off.

As my vision re-focused I saw that Manu and Marley were the two rolling on the ground - groaning with pain - woops.

"ya'll OK?"- I directed it at my brothers. My question was answered with Manu holding up a thumbs up.

"good wor .... ouch ... good work sis"- Manu panted while lying on his back

Uncle Mason and Malakai then joined me on the mat with kind smiles and pride in their eyes.

"how do you feel?"- Malakai asked

"in control.... stronger"- I answered still in staggered breaths

"you definitely know how to control your powers. Did you know how to yield before today?"- Uncle Mason asked with suprise

"No, it just felt natural, even though I dont know what im doing half the time, but I just focused on the energy surges in my body and listened"- I responded

Mason said nothing but smiled and waited another moment to talk again.

"I can see you havent caught your breathe yet"- Mason observed

"yeah, that took alot out of me ..."

"I suppose this is where I come in?"- Malakai said while scanning my exteriors with a concerned expression.


"What do I do?"- Malakai asked eagerly

"First face each other"

As soon as instructed that Malakai and I were both facing each other head on - at arms length.

.."place one of your hands up and press it against each others"

Again we did what he said and I felt a spark as soon as our hands touched. From that moment Mason's instructions werent really necessary anymore and already I felt the physical strain I was in subside - it wasnt until now that I noticed Malakai wearing mums pendant - as we continued I saw the crystal turn black.

Moments after I felt as if my energy was restored, warmth resumed on my cheeks and I could breathe normally now. Still looking at Malakai I saw how still he was and concerntrating hard on something.

As soon as we could feel the spark our hands automatically parted.

"what just happened?"- Mina was standing beside me.

"Its called Grace transference. Being its your 21st birthday today the curse has been reawakened. Lei, when you exert supernatural powers you'll find that it'll will weaken you. Just as every superhero has their kryptonite, you strength relies on the interconnectedness you share with your twin. What Malakai did was restore your strength - as your hands touched your being was restored"- Mason explained

"whats this got to do with the pendant? I saw the crystal darken"- I asked

"Lei when you use your power you start to tip the balance scale of nature - your basically a vessel that inhabits synergies from the Earth. Your able to yield the elements of fire, thunder, water and wind- which is what you used just now - but the more you use it without restoring yourself, the greater chance it will take over your body - and your being will perish. This is why your mother and I were afraid. Lei, you need to be careful with how your use your powers, and Malakai now you know why your roles as her guardian is so inherent. Her life depends on it as well as the fate of our Race"



It had been an hour later and I was already showered and ready for school. Mina picked out my clothes once again: White loose Chicago bulls singlet, a black blazer and black skinnys with red kicks and had my hair out in loose waves.

Everything that Mason explained this morning was still occupying my head space.

As I zipped my bag closed I looked up and saw Malakai leaning against my door frame.

"Are you okay?"- he asked

"yeah ....yeahh I'm still kinda tripping out ... ...but I'm ready for it"

he smiled and walked up to me to pull me in hug.

"Fate couldnt choose a better person" he said into hair and pulled away .... "you know I'll protect you with my life right?"

"I get what your saying, but Just promise me one thing"- I said weakly


"No matter what happens ... our pack our race, comes first. Promise me ..."

"Lei this isnt a suicide mission"- he started shaking me

"Promise me"

"Lei ... dont make me do this"

"Kai, you know It is our duty to protect our race with our very own lives. And if it means sacrificing ...."

"NOOO !"- he ripped his hands away from my arms and started storming towards the door until I stopped him by running in front of him - putting by myself between him and the door

"Kai please ... I know this is hard .. im not saying this to hurt you ... but this is real. The fate of the werewolves depends on us, we cannot afford to be selfish if theres time when I cant ...." - my throat became dry at the thought

"WHEN THE TIME COMES WHEN WHAT?!"- his face was lit with fury and anger. It wasnt until a tear escaped the corner of his left eye when I knew he felt what I felt. I placed a hand on his cheek to calm him down.

"look ... Im scared too. But if .... I cant control my powers beyond the point of no return .... you need to be there for our family - for our pack..... please ...."- I pleaded

"its not fair"

"it doesnt have to be. it is what it is ... promise me"- I said sternly

"I promise"- with that he stormed right past me, hurt and angry.

I know he was upset but I needed to put down some rule.

"Happy Birthday"- I whispered with tears starting to stream down my face


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