Chapter 18: The Aurora Pack meets Royalty

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Chapter 18: The Aurora Pack meets Royalty

Junior's POV

Half an hour later Alec had everyone together and we were following and chasing Malakai and Maleiata's scent. Half an hour in we had already reached the forest that led to Mason's property.

We had all shifted into our wolf forms; we couldn't afford to stay in as humans. I already alerted my dad and agreed to meet us 2 Ks away from the property where we all agreed to meet. The only thing I felt uneasy about was that we were about to enter land out of our jurisdiction

As soon as we convened together we started towards Mason's property.

I could smell them, they were close.

Following our noses we were stopped by a quick figure that literally appeared in front of us out of nowhere. We stopped 4 feet away from him to reassess the environment and our opponent.

This figure looked like a man within in his early twenties, with light-dark skinned. He was shirtless and only wearing black pants. Taking in his appearance I then realised the rest of his featured. His abdomen was shaped weirdly but very muscly and toned. His eyes flashed grey and monstrous growl beckoned from his mouth.

What is he? His scent was part wolf .... *sniffing again* ... but it was infused with something else. What is he? It seems as if he was a hybrid of some sort.

As I finally came too I heard the rest of pack growl in return at the lonely creature.

"Alpha I can take him out"- Chase said with so much adrenaline

"DO you sense any danger around us Erika and Kourt?"- I asked quickly. I needed to make sure we covered all our blind spots

"its all clear Alpha, just waiting for your order"- Erika shot back matching Chase' tonality

And before I could give the order to attack a voice appeared ...


Suspense suddenly filled the air and I ordered for the pack to stand down and stay on guard. Within seconds Mason ran out of the bushes and walked towards us to stand in front of the hybrid, almost as if he was protecting it.

I looked over my right and left and check to and see if pack was still in rank and line. They were all still snarling and growling at the freak in front of us. With my dad standing next to me I heard that his thoughts echoed mine. We couldn't believe what was happening. It seemed Mason knew about our kind very well ...

"Please Brett ... Alpha ... and Junior .... Please remain calm and stand down. We mean no harm?"- Mason said confidently whilst raising his hands in the air giving a: I surrender gesture.

"Alpha!"- my pack wanted know what to do

"Stay calm but stay alert, no one break rank unless I say so"- I growled back at them. Their moods we affecting me

Registering what and who was in front of me were joined by the motorcycle guy; Malakai and the rest of Maleiata's siblings, except for her. As they joined their Uncle they stood in a semi-circle behind Mason and Hybrid; the hybrid in which still hasn't loosened up and was still growling at us.

"WILL!"- I heard a female voice shriek. It turned to be Mina and we all watched in confusion as she ran to stand in front and facing the hybrid taking his face into her hands and tried to calm him down.

"baby please, just calm down. They're not here to hurt us ...."- she cooed him until his growls softened to point where he'd still breathe heavily. I didn't know who was threatening who but as every minute goes by; things just got weirder and weirder.

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