Chapter 13: The Guardian

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Chapter 13: The Guardian

Maleiata's POV

Since washing up on the beach, what happened next was all a blur. The next thing I knew, I was back in Mason's House lying in his Lounge with everyone including Aunt Maisey standing around me.

Mina was sitting on the ground but was leaning the side of lounge near where my head rested and Malakai was sitting on the edge of the lounge next to my legs facing me. Everyone else was scattered around the room and in the dining area.

It was good seeing my family under the same roof.

No one has said one word since they laid me on the chair. I was covered in blankets which I didnt need and everyone was staring at me as if I was in a coma or on life support. Seeing the pity and sorrow in their eyes only made me more annoyed.

"Did someone die?"- I had to break the ice. and as soon as I did it was as if they could all breathe again and finally they were present in the room.

Shocked at what just came out if my mouth, The boys all gave me a glum and concerning look, Mina just giggled but it was Aunty Maisey who was the first to speak.

"Sweetheart, you've just gone through a hellish ordeal. we all have. but as you can imagine we're all extremely concerned"

As soon as she said that Malakai took one of my hands into his, glared at them and again looked up to look me in the eyes.

"I dont know what to say ...." - he stumbled

"'well saying sorry' might be a good place to start"- Mina cheekily snapped. Instead of growling at her all the boys were on their knees in front of me, with their heads hanging low.

"We were ignorant and stupid"- Marley started ..

"not to mention arrogant and stubborn"- Mina scoffed. Aunt Maisey shot a glare at her to cease her snide commentary.

"no she's right. we understand we arent worthy of your forgiveness but please know ..... we've never been sorrier for ever doubting you and ... hurting you ...."- Manu continued ...

Oh boy. They're apologising.They never apologise. How do I respond to that? It wasnt until Malakai squeezed my hands in his grip to pull my attention back to him

"I fucked up sis .... big time ... "- Malakai's voice broke. I havnt ever seen him this emotional.

*tears swelled in their eyes and kept their heads facing the floor* What do I do? Slap them or comfort them?

"..... I'm so sorry ..... I was ... a real prick. And I know I cant ever make that up to you .... but please know how sorry I am to have ever turned my back on you"- Malakai finished.

My wolf was at ease. But, I was just annoyed.

"Look at me. All of you"- I told them firmly.

they looked up instantly to see what they'll cop from me. But I met their stares with a warm smile.

"I understand. I wouldve doubted me too. But whats done is done you know? and I'm not mad anymore. In fact Im grateful that your all safe. Yeah you hurt me, but nothing will hurt me more then to keep seeing division amongst us or even losing one of you. The thought of not ever seeing you all again .... is not so ething I will ever allow. Dont ever think your unworthy of forgiveness. But I need you all to do one thing for me ....."

As I was talking confusion and disbelief came across their face.

"what?"- Marley questioned

"just let it go. its done. move on. knowing that you now know the truth, is enough for me. please believe that"

"man this islands made you soft"- Mina said under her breathe

"Lei .... but we were ...." - Malakai disregarded Mina's comment

"exactly. were. you were pricks. you were ignorant. But your my brothers. I can never hate you"- i assured

"How are you feeling now sweety?" - Uncle Mason injected

"funny enough. I feel .... Alive. I dont know how to explain it but I feel stronger then ever. Despite being thrown out of my own window and losing losing a lot of blood"- I explained.

Over the next 10 minutes I explained how I felt when Nicolas held over the cliff. how I felt when I could feel myself change. And how I felt after I fell into unconsciousness.

"werewolf lucis bellator. Meaning Werewolf Warrior of the Light. Since the curse, within every generation of the Mahalia lineage a set of twins are born. And they are born with a particular genetic make up that allows them to yield such great power and strength. It skipped your mother and I"- Mason paused with a worried expression

"you look worried"- i pointed out

"the transformation should have happened on your 21st but for some reason it surfaced real early"- Maisey filled in.

"have you been dealing with extreme headaches?"- Mason asked. I nodded

"you knew about this?"- Malakai turned facing me.

"mum did mention something about a curse awhile back before she died"

"why didnt you tell me sooner?"

"would you have listened?" And at He was lost for words

"Im fine now ,.. honestly"- I assured him

"So Lei really is the one?"- Manu asked looking to Uncle Mason to answer.

"Yes she is. You've already seen what she can do"- Mason confirmed.

"but its not going to last forever is it?"- I asked.

"your right. The day your mother And I found out neither of us were the guardian or warrior, we became scared for our future kids. Unfortunately, being able to yield such power has one major draw back. eventually, your power will run the threat of taking over your body and consume it"- Mason explained.

Shock fell upon us. So this was my destiny. Now I know why mum seemed abit depressed before. I still dont know what Will has to do with this. Man, this is too much to take in

"what can I do?"- Malakai said pulling me back into reality

"Maleiata theres a reason why the curse was passed onto twins. With you being the Warrior of Light, Malakai is therefore your guardian. He's there to carry and share the burden with you. You havnt fully transformed yet, but do not take this lightly. Pain is still to come and at most ... will be too much"- Maisey

"how does that work?"-'Malakai asked

"I'll train you both later but for now we need to hold this conversation because we're about to have visitors"- At that moment we all heard a car pull into our driveway.

"We'll get out of your hair then. everyone besides Malakai and Mina, lets go through the back"- Maisey announced. Before leaving, each one of my siblings came gave me a hug especially Micah and soon they were gone before we heard a knock on the door.

As the house settled, Mina and Mason went to answer the door while Malakai pulls me from the lounge to give me a hug.

Finally I felt as if we were going somewhere with this new discovery. Alot of things started to make sense.

"Im sorry"- Malakai whispered

"I know"- I whispered back.

As we pulled back we saw Brett Keines step into the dining area with Mason.

*We need to clean the mess upstairs, he's probably already smelt my blood ....No doubt they would of sensed a commotion from our part of the woods* I linked him

*i'll go clean it up, you stay here and rest*

* I'll go chill in the backyard* - I finally said, and after kissing my forehead he left.

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