"Nothing a simple Reparo can't fix." Draco said, ignoring the part where he told him the correct pronunciation. 

He pointed his wand at the now broken mobile, and muttered, "Reparo." The spell immediately fixed his mobile, and he accioed it towards him. 

"Why were you frustrated?" Harry asked. 

Draco shook his head. "It's nothing." 

"No. It's obviously something. And it is  troubling you. What is it? You know that I may be able to help you." 

He shook his head again. You will hate me when you will get to know what I did, Potter, Draco thought. 

Harry sighed. "Okay, you don't have to tell me. Just know that I am here for you, Draco. You are friend. Maybe even best friends." He grinned at him.

Draco smirked. "Keep thinking that, Potter. You know that you are lucky I am even talking to you, let alone be your friend." 

He shook his head and laughed. Some things never change, do they? 

After talking for a few minutes, Harry stood up. "Alright, since you are fine and have repaired your mobile, I should probably go now." 

"Wait, Potter," Draco followed his actions, "I wanted to ask you something. Do you know why is Hermione avoiding me?" 

"Avoiding you? What do you mean?" 

"She's been avoiding me all week. Whenever I would try to talk to her, she would come up with an excuse and then go away. More often than not, she told me that she's been working on a case, but you said that she's helping you in an interrogation." Draco explained it to him. 

"Hmm... It's true. She's been helping me in an interrogation." Harry nodded. "As to why she's avoiding you, I have no idea. Maybe she's working on a secret case or something." 

Well, he did have an idea. More specifically, he knew why Hermione was avoiding him. But it's not like he would tell that to Draco. Hermione would kill him. 

"If she's working on a secret case, then she has to tell me about that since we are partners. And according to the rules of the programme, the Aurors have to work together on each and every case. She could use my help, you know. But I can't just barge into her office and ask her about the case, her assistant is really nosey. And I can't sit in her office all day, I have some cases to work on as well." 

"Well, I might have a solution to that problem. You two can shift to a bigger office that has two desks, a joint office, so you two can work together on the cases." Harry suggested. 

"Really? Can that be done?" Draco asked him.

He nodded. "Yes, I am sure Kingsley will have no problem. I'll go and ask him now. See you later, Draco." 

Draco thanked him as he walked out of his office. Just as he was about to go to Kingsley's office, he realised he had made a mistake. 

"Merlin, Hermione will definitely kill me now." Harry groaned. She had specifically told him that she wanted to stay away from Draco, and now he was going to ask Kingsley to give those two a joint office. 

And if he didn't ask Kingsley, Draco surely will. And no doubt the Minister won't refuse to allow that. 

Harry just hoped Hermione wouldn't get to know that he was the one to suggest the idea of a joint office. He had no intentions of facing her wrath. 

She can be quite scary, you know? 


 "Where are we going, Draco?" Hermione looked around as they walked on the streets of Hogsmeade, their fingers intertwined. 

Forever -DramioneWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu