Unexpected Visitors

Start from the beginning

I laugh, watching Angel walk past me and go to the sink. That same scent of tobacco and vanilla wrapped around my nostrils as he passed, and gave me a mini rush of happiness in my stomach.

"Primrose?" Angel shouts.

Snapping out my daze of Harry's smell, I quickly walk to Angel at the sink. "Sorry, was just thinking." I say, while grabbing a plate and scrubbing it.

"Babe I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you by wearing this." Angel apologises.

"No! No, I'm not sad. Don't worry. Not your fault!" I blurt out, making sure Angel knows he didn't do anything wrong. He sighs in relief, as we both continue to clean. "I just... it smells like him. So I just thought about Jamaica. And how when he hugged me after Dan upset me, that smell comforted me." I explain, almost embarrassed at how emotionally attached I am to a scent!

Angel places his clean plate on the drying rack, before spinning round abruptly and reaching for the air freshener. Without warning, he sprays it all over him, and I cough at the sudden lack of oxygen in my lungs.

"There. No more Harry. Now, it's just Angel's work t-shirt!" He tells me, giving a little curtsy like he's proud of himself.

I just watch the cloud of air freshener settle - drowning out the last remedies of Harry. "Yeah. Smart move." I compliment, before entering the bar again. Walking in, my eyes lock with two familiar faces. A huge smile grows across my face, as they notice me.

"There's my baby girl!"

"Oh, we've missed you!"

"Mum! Dad!" I shout, as I run up to them and engulf them in a hug. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"We aren't staying long, sorry sweetie. But, we were travelling to Exeter to visit your mother's cousins - they've had a baby - and we thought it would be stupid to not come and see you for a little bit!" My dad explains, as I release them from the hug.

My mum takes my hands in hers, and smiles at me. Her beautiful eyes beam as she speaks. "I've missed you plum!"

Plums a nickname I've had since I was a baby. Only my mum calls me it. I don't really know where it came from to be honest. Prim and Plum both start with a P. And that's the only link I can find. My dad calls me sweetheart, sweetie, love, darling, hunny - all the classics.

"I've missed you guys, so much. I haven't spoken to you since before I went to Jamaica..." I trail off, realising I'm going to have to explain where Dan is.

I think my dad noticed my shift in mood, because I didn't expect him to say what he said. "Darling, we don't have to talk about it if we don't want to. His mum rang us and gave us his side of the story. You tell us when you're ready." He assured me, talking my hand in his to comfort me.

"All we care about is that you are happy and healthy." My mum chimes in, placing her hand over my dads. I smile weakly at them, failing to hide my emotions. A small tear slides down my face as I let their loving words sink in.

"I thought I heard you two!" Angel shouts, running out the kitchen and round the bar so he is now stood next to them. "Hey Mark! Hey Julie!" He says, while hugging them both individually.

"Hey, kiddo." My dad replies, smiling widely at Angel.

"You're happy as ever." My mum tells him, as he walks back round the bar to stand by me.

"Yeah well, taking care of this one makes me look youthful." He teases, while dramatically posing.

Everyone erupts into laugher, as I feel the lump in my throat begin to dissolve. "Do you want drinks? Food?" I ask, while pulling out my order pad.

"I'll have a water please Plum, and your father will have an iced tea." She tells me, and I begin making them.

"How was the drive down?" I shout over my shoulder, as my back was now to them while I made their drinks.

"Yeah, was alright. Not much traffic, but someone forgot their bag so we had to go back home and get it!" My dad mocks, while shooting daggers at my mum.

"Oh be quiet, Mark." She teases back, playfully hitting his thigh, before leaning over and pecking his lips. Angel just leans his elbows on the bar, watching us interact. Usually, he would be all over them, but I think he's just happy that I'm happy.

"Okay, we have a water, and an iced tea!" I announce, turning round and placing their drinks down on the bar. As I look back up, my eyes immediately lock on the green emeralds watching me at the entrance. I freeze momentarily, tunnel visioned on his face. Everything else around me blurs out of view, as I stare at the man on the other side of the door: his eyes more beautiful than the last time I saw them.


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Angel hits me firmly on the arm, snapping me back to reality. I jolt slightly, forcing my eyes to look at him. "Hey, why don't you go show your parents your new bedding!" Angel hints, tilting his head to the door to my apartment and widening his eyes.

Going along with it, I pick up my parents drinks, and gesture them quickly round the bar so they can get to the door. "Yes, you must see this bedding. It's beautiful. You go first!" I insist, as they reluctantly walk up my stairs.

I quickly turn to Angel, and mouth 'Thankyou' before following my parents up the stairs. I'm so beyond glad Angel noticed Harry at the same time I did. And I'm even more glad that Angel told me to leave.

I just hope he can cover for me, because something tells me Harry didn't come here to have chit-chat with Angel.


Ooooo girl Harry gone turned up at her work!

I'm going away for a few days on holiday, but I will try to get a chapter out daily. Please forgive me if I don't manage to.

Love you all x

Harry when he saw Primrose run away:

Harry when he saw Primrose run away:

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